English in Vancouver: L3 - Lesson 09: Employee Records

Employee Records - LINC 3.10

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
accumulated   •  for two months   •  I've wanted   •  ever had   •  hasn't had   •  been waiting   •  ever thought   •  been   •  ever been   •  worked   •  been filling in   •  been working   •  been wanting   •  seen   •  since 1990   •  Have you been   •  has worked   •  taken  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
ERIC: Hi, Louise.
LOUISE: Hi, Eric.
ERIC: Are you ready to go over the employment records?
LOUISE: Sure. Let's get started.
ERIC: Okay. Has this record updated since the new fiscal year?
LOUISE: Yes, it has.
ERIC: Okay, let's start with George. How long has George here?
LOUISE: Um, George here since 1985.
ERIC: Okay. Has he promoted?
LOUISE: No, he hasn't. But he was transferred from sales to current accounts.
ERIC: How long has he there?
LOUISE: He's been working there for five years now.
ERIC: Has he a raise?
LOUISE: No. Just a cost of living increase.
ERIC: Okay. What about Judy?
LOUISE: Judy has been here .
ERIC: Isn't she on maternity leave?
LOUISE: Yes, she is. She's been on maternity leave now. Have you her baby?
ERIC: No, I haven't.
LOUISE: He is so cute. Anyway, Marsha has for Judy. And she a holiday in almost two years.
ERIC: How much holiday time has she ?
LOUISE: She's accumulated six weeks.
ERIC: She's going to have to take those holidays soon.
LOUISE: Yes. Just as soon as Judy is back, Marsha's planning a trip to the Okanagan Valley.
ERIC: The Okanagan's great. to the Okanagan?
LOUISE: Yes, I have.
ERIC: I've to do some water-skiing up there. Have you ever been water-skiing?
LOUISE: No, I haven't. But to try for a long time.
ERIC: Have you your holidays yet?
LOUISE: No. I've since the summer to take my holidays.
ERIC: Why haven't you taken them?
LOUISE: I haven't been able to because I need someone to fill in for me.
ERIC: Really? Well, that isn't really fair.
LOUISE: No, it isn't, is it?
ERIC: I mean, you work hard. You deserve a break.
ERIC: Yeah?
LOUISE: Have you about filling in for me?
ERIC: No, I haven't.
LOUISE: Well, would you fill in for me?
ERIC: I guess I don't have a choice.
LOUISE: No, you haven't.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division