English in Vancouver: L3 - Lesson 02: Returning a Faulty Product

Returning a Faulty Product - LINC 3.02

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
go over   •  seems to be   •  Let's check   •  to be   •  cutting the messages off   •  if we just reverse   •  can only get   •  I guess   •  should be   •  be okay   •  I don't think   •  only records   •  be   •  If you have   •  if you need them   •  check it out   •  everything should  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
CLERK: Yes, okay. Thank you. Right. Bye-bye. Hi. How can I help you?
ANTHONY: Hi. I'd like to return this answering machine.
CLERK: I see. And do you have a receipt?
ANTHONY: Yes, here. I bought it last week.
CLERK: And what the problem?
ANTHONY: It doesn't work.
CLERK: It doesn't play your messages?
ANTHONY: No. I mean, yes. There seems something wrong with the recording mechanism.
CLERK: And how is that?
ANTHONY: It one or two messages, and then it cuts off. I two messages.
CLERK: Hmm, let's . Power plug goes in here. Telephone goes in here. And this goes to the phone outlet.
ANTHONY: That's the way I had it.
CLERK: Good. the outgoing message.
ANSWERING MACHILNE-ANTHONY: You have reached 278-5534. Please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
ANTHONY: That part works well. It's the incoming messages that get cut off.
CLERK: Hmm. Are there any messages on the machine now?
ANTHONY: Yes. But it only recorded one and half messages.
CLERK: Right. Let's look at the incoming message tape .... Outgoing message, incoming message. Ahhh! Here's the problem.
ANTHONY: What is it?
CLERK: The tapes are in the wrong places.
ANTHONY: Wrong places?
CLERK: That's right. The outgoing message tape is very short. And it on this side. The longer tape should on this side.
ANTHONY: Oh, I understand. So, the shorter tape is ?
CLERK: Right. So the tapes, everything should be okay.
ANTHONY: Oh, great!
CLERK: Would you like me to the operating instructions?
ANTHONY: No, it's necessary now. The tapes are in the right place. So, be okay.
CLERK: I think you're right. Anyway, the instructions are in the manual .
ANTHONY: Okay, great. I don't have to return it now.
CLERK: It should .
ANTHONY: Thanks for your help.
CLERK: Oh, you're welcome. any other problems, just let me know.
ANTHONY: I will. Bye!
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division