English in Vancouver: L3 - Lesson 17 - Employment Office

At the Employment Office - Part 2 - LINC 3.19

Watch the video starting at 02:20. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
to inquire   •  when I can speak   •  job listed   •  what I did   •  typing job listed   •  keep trying   •  putting it off   •  drop it off   •  who to see   •  former employer   •  job posted   •  check out   •  as a secretary   •  dropped by   •  started looking  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
At CEC Counsellor's
JOYCE: Yes, that's right.
COUNSELLOR: Please have a seat.
JOYCE: Thank you.
COUNSELLOR: I'm Mrs. O'Leary, your counsellor.
JOYCE: Nice to meet you.
COUNSELLOR: So, for a secretarial job.
JOYCE: Yes. This feels kind of strange. I for work in a long time.9
COUNSELLOR: Which hours to work?
JOYCE: Well, I regular hours.
COUNSELLOR: I see here you have experience as a secretary. What are your job skills?
JOYCE: Well, bookkeeping and payroll.
COUNSELLOR: with a computer much?
JOYCE: I'm trained on the typewriter. I'm a good typist. And to improve my computer skills.
COUNSELLOR: How well can you manage a computer?
JOYCE: Well, I'm just starting.
COUNSELLOR: Well, I should let you know that the job you're interested in requires computer skills.
JOYCE: Oh, I see.
COUNSELLOR: taking a computer course?
JOYCE: Well, a refresher typing class for the past few weeks.
COUNSELLOR: It might be a good idea to consider a computer course. Most of the secretarial jobs with us require computer skills.
JOYCE: Oh, so computer skills for most jobs.
COUNSELLOR: Well, you could check the classified ads under Help Wanted. Sometimes other jobs are advertised in the newspaper. Anyway, you're registered with us, so if anything comes up, we'll let you know.
JOYCE: Thanks.
COUNSELLOR: Can you tell me working?
JOYCE: Immediately. Well, as soon as for child care.
COUNSELLOR: Good. Here's my card. And if I can be of any assistance, please make an appointment to see me.
JOYCE: Thank you for your help.
COUNSELLOR: My pleasure. Good luck.
JOYCE: Bye-bye.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

At the Employment Office - Part 1 - LINC 3.19

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
to inquire   •  when I can speak   •  job listed   •  what I did   •  typing job listed   •  keep trying   •  putting it off   •  drop it off   •  who to see   •  former employer   •  job posted   •  check out   •  as a secretary   •  dropped by   •  started looking  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
JOYCE: To underline, press "Control" and "U" ... that's ... Hello.
TASHA: Oh, hello, Joyce. This is Tasha.
JOYCE: Oh, hi, Tasha. How are you?
TASHA: Well, I'm fine, thanks. And how about you?
JOYCE: I'm okay. This computer is driving me crazy!
TASHA: Well, you just have to . You can do it!
JOYCE: I suppose.
TASHA: Listen, I the Canada Employment Office after I left work.
JOYCE: Are you looking for a new job?
TASHA: No. I had some employment information from my boss. I had to . But would you be interested in a job?
TASHA: Well, they have a secretarial on the board that you should .
JOYCE: I don't know. I haven't worked for some time.
TASHA: Well, it wouldn't hurt about it.
JOYCE: I am interested. I've just been for a while.
TASHA: You should go down to CEC as soon as possible.
JOYCE: Can you tell me ?
TASHA: Just tell the receptionist that you're interested in the on the "help wanted" board.
JOYCE: Thanks, Tasha. I really appreciate it.
TASHA: Lots of luck! L1NC 3.19
JOYCE: Bye-bye.
At Reception
RECEPTIONIST: Can I help you?
JOYCE: Yes. I'm interested in a secretarial on the board.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. Have you been here before?
JOYCE: No. I've just for a job.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. You have to fill this application form first before you see a counsellor. Have you worked before?
JOYCE: I worked for five years or so before my children were born.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. Be sure and put that on the application form. And also include your job skills, the name of your , and don't forget your social insurance number.
JOYCE: Okay. I'll do that right now.
RECEPTIONIST: Let me know if you need any help.
JOYCE: Thanks. Ah, can you tell me to a counsellor?
RECEPTIONIST: It shouldn't be too long.
JOYCE: Thank you.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division