English in Vancouver: Mr. Bean

Mr Bean Restaurant - Video and Exercise

Watch the video and listen to the story. Press the video play and the green play buttons. Complete the exercise below.
plate   ·  vase   ·  is driving   ·  himself   ·  the waiter did it   ·  expensive   ·  orders   ·  his birthday   ·  hides   ·  a bun   ·  a menu   ·  any   ·  restaurant   ·  a little   ·  much   ·  not cooked   ·  purse   ·  Does   ·  do   ·  problem   ·  What does   ·  does   ·  enough money   ·  drinks it all   ·  card   ·  falls  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
Why is today special for Mr. Bean?
Today is .
What does he give ?
He gives himself a birthday .
What the host bring for Mr. Bean?
The host brings Mr. Bean .
Is the restaurant or inexpensive?
The is expensive.
Mr. Bean order? Why?
Mr. Bean Steak Tartar because he has to pay for it.
How wine does the waiter give Mr. Bean at first? Why?
The waiter pours Mr. Bean wine because he wants Mr. Bean to taste the wine.
Does Mr. Bean try the wine or drink it all?
He .
Does Mr. Bean want more wine? Why?
He doesn’t want any more wine because he .
Mr. Bean like his dinner? Why or why not?
No, he doesn’t like it because the meat is .
What does Mr. Bean with the meat?
He the meat everywhere.
What does the waiter have?
The waiter trips and on the floor.
What does Mr. Bean tell the host?
He tells the host the host that .
Where does Mr. Bean hide the food?
He hides the food in a , under a , in a silver dish, in a woman’s , in the sugar dish, and inside .
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division

Mr. Bean - Judo Class

Watch the video. Listen to the teacher and Mr. Bean. What do they say?
start   •  next one   •  check   •  please   •  calm down   •  the bow   •  nice   •  make sure   •  step forward   •  throw   •  the mat   •  first   •  the throw   •  coming   •  forward   •  take hold   •  foot  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
TEACHER: Okay, thanks a lot for everybody. Um, before we learning any throws, etcetera… Um the thing about judo is you’ve just got to that you can fall okay. So I’ll just all your break falls one by one. I’ll start with you. Just —that’s good. Okay, we start with a bow—good. Then just then, and the .
STUDENT 1: Ohhhh!
TEACHER: Excellent – good one. Back with the others, right. Now, next one . That’s good. Okay again the bow, then take hold and…
STUDENT 2: Ohhhh!
Teacher: That’s , good. Back with the others. There we go. Okay can I have the please? Next one please, yeah. So just uh step then. Yeah, unto the mat, yeah. There we are. And the other , yeah. That’s good. That’s all right now. Okay, here we… Come back unto . There we go. It’s all right. First .
MR. BEAN: We bow.
TEACHER: Yes, all right, and then, then I take hold. It’s all right, just, just trust me. Just trust me…just, just all right. Stand here now. That’s it. Yeah, no one is going to get hurt, okay.
MR. BEAN: So we bow.
TEACHER: Yes. Just one big bow, then . Okay, so one, one, one big bow, then…
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Mr. Bean Makes a Sandwich

Watch the video and listen to the story. Press the video play and the green play buttons. Complete the exercise below.
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
Hey, there's Mr. Bean. He's in the park. He sees a man sitting on the bench. He sits down beside the man. "Just popped out for lunch!" "Me too. Would you like a sandwich?" "No absolutely." The man eats the sandwich. Mr. Bean his pocket. He a loaf of bread. He some scissors. He cuts the bread. He the garbage. He cuts a slice of bread. He his knee. He cuts another slice of bread. Mr. Bean takes out a dish of butter. He the dish. He has a credit card. He spreads the butter on the bread with his credit card. "My flexible friend!" Mr. Bean of lettuce. He looks at the lettuce leaf. He washes the lettuce leaf in the water fountain. He his shoe. He takes off his sock. He his sock. He the sock to dry the lettuce. He puts the two pieces of bread on his knees. He puts the lettuce leaf on the bread. He puts his sock on the bench to dry. Mr. Bean of fish. He opens the jar. He pounds the fish on the park bench. He pounds the fish on the park bench. "Is it dead? Yes." He puts the fish on the sandwich. He puts a handkerchief on the park bench. He takes out some peppercorns and the handkerchief. He pounds the peppercorns with his shoe to crush them. He sprinkles pepper on his sandwich. His sandwich is ready. He sees the man drinking tea. He has a tea bag too. He takes out his hot water bottle. He his ear! He the hot water bottle. He takes out a bottle of baby milk. He drinks the baby milk and the hot water bottle. He to stir the tea or mix the tea. Mr. Bean his neck. Oh! He sneezes. He drops his sandwich and the water, the tea, of the hot water bottle. Mr. Bean offers the man a sandwich. He takes the sandwich. “Thanks.”
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Mr. Bean Goes Shopping - Listen to the Story

Press the video play button. Start at 35 seconds. Press the Play button. Complete the activity below. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
tries on   •  is going to go   •  worker's   •  can get   •  only has   •  is coming up   •  starts coughing   •  falls down   •  puts it on   •  looks at   •  starts dancing   •  he's looking at   •  puts it back   •  doesn't work   •  too small   •  dropped   •  is   •  picks up   •  opens   •  wants to give   •  is playing   •  puts the fish back   •  doesn't like   •  forgets to walk   •  enough money  
Hey, there’s Mr. Bean! A musician . Mr. Bean the musician some change. He a bill. Maybe he change for the bill. No—not .
Mr. Bean has a handkerchief. He the ground. He . He’s dancing back and forth. Oh—a lady gives Mr. Bean change. Mr. Bean gives the coin to the musician—alright!
It’s a store. Looks like Mr. Bean shopping. Oh—his American Express card. He goes into the department store. He’s in the Cosmetics Department. He shows everyone his card. He the cosmetics. Oh—the smell! He . He’s coughing. Oh—the smell. He on the floor. He’s crawling on the floor. He the smell. He tells the lady, “Don't go in there.”
Mr. Bean goes into the Toiletries Department. some toothbrushes. He takes a toothbrush off the shelf. He the package. He brushes his teeth with the toothbrush. He in the package – no – he puts it back on the shelf, and takes a different toothbrush. He puts it in his basket.
Mr. Bean in the Linens Department. He a yellow towel. He the towel in front of the mirror. Looks good—it fits. Oops! Mr. Bean the towel by mistake. He buys the towel.
Mr. Bean the escalator. He at the top of the escalator. Oh—okay. Mr. Bean is in the Housewares Department. Oh—a knife. Mr. Bean takes a potato out of his pocket. He peels the potato with the knife. Nah—too dull. He tries another knife. Hmmm – Oh. That’s better. He takes the knife.
Mr. Bean looks at a frying pan. He takes a fish out of his pocket. Oh, it’s . Oh yes, that’s much better. He takes the frying pan, and in his pocket.
Mr. Bean is looking at telephones. The telephone . He bangs it on the shelf. Oh—this telephone works. Okay! He takes the telephone. It’s the telephone!
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Mr. Bean - Checking In at a Hotel

Watch the video and listen to the story. Press the video play button and press the green play button. Complete the exercise below.
takes the stairs   •  his suitcase   •  opens   •  the stairs   •  fourth floor   •  third   •  first   •  the front desk   •  steering wheel   •  like   •  suitcase   •  second   •  writes it down   •  forgot his suitcase   •  comes back   •  car   •  personal information   •  not working   •  check in   •  rings   •  my   •  very quickly   •  registration   •  his key   •  takes   •  first floor   •  bellhop  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
Hey, there's Mr. Bean. He's in his green Mini . He hits the car; the trunk ; he takes out his . The bellhop sees Mr. Bean. He takes Mr. Bean's suitcase, but Mr. Bean it back. "It's suitcase. Thief!" Mr. Bean goes up . He goes to , and rings the bell. He it again, and again. The front desk clerk gives Mr. Bean a card. Mr. Bean is going to . Mr. Bean puts the pencil in his pocket and the bellhop asks for... the . Mr. Bean gives it to the . Another guest comes to the front desk. Mr. Bean rings the bell for the man. "Would you to check in, sir? Here's a pencil." Mr. Bean doesn't want the other guest to see his . He fills in the registration card. He can't remember something. He checks the other guest's personal information and on his card. He rings the bell. He is finished. He gets . The guest gets his key and they both go... Mr. Bean . He . He missed the elevator. It already went up. Mr. Bean . He goes up the stairs and he presses the elevator on the . The elevator opens, but it's not the guest's floor. Mr. Bean pressed the button on the floor, but it's not the guest's floor. Mr. Bean is going up the stairs . He's on the floor. He presses the button and the guest understands that this is not his floor. Mr. Bean runs up the next flight of stairs and he is on the before the other guest. He tries to open the door, but his key is . The other guest gets into the room . Finally, the door opens and Mr. Bean closes it. He forgot !
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Mr. Bean on an Airplane - Video, Podcast, and Exercise

Watch the video and listen to the story. Press the video play button and the pink play button. Complete the exercise below.
a magazine   •  the flight attendant   •  the airsickness bag   •  his headphones   •  you like   •  turbulence   •  it   •  Could you   •  a bag   •  a teddy bear   •  a magazine   •  some paper   •  Would you like   •  plane   •  air   •  the teddy bear   •  the life jacket  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
Hey, there's Mr. Bean. He puts on . "Would to try this?" "No." The boy is sick. Mr. Bean is listening to music. He pretends he is singing. He turns up louder. He is happy. He turns it up even louder. a magazine? No. Mr. Bean hits . " keep an eye on him please?" The boy is sick. Mr. Bean looks at the boy. He smiles at the boy. He smiles again. Wait a minute. Mr. Bean has . He shows to the boy. He puts the teddy bear in the tray table. "Help! Help!" He throws the bear on the ground. He shows the boy a . The plane - oh - is experiencing turbulence. He opens . He tears . He puts the paper on his eyes and tongue and moves them around. Oh, a life jacket. Mr. Bean blows up - oh - whistles - whistle - whistle - oh- the life jacket inflates. It blows away. Mr. Bean is reading . "Is this yours?" Mr. Bean takes and gets a little angry at the flight attendant. The plane experiences . Mr. Bean pretends to throw up. The boy feels sick. Mr. Bean shows the boy . The bag is empty. He blows into the bag. Oh - turbulence. The boy opens . He throws up into the bag. He gives Mr. Bean the bag. Mr. Bean blows air into the bag and pops the bag!
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Bean In LOVE | Mr Bean Full Episodes | Mr Bean Cartoons

Press play on the video AND the sound. Listen to the story. Listen again. Click and drop the words into the correct spaces. Check your answers.
the limo   ·  limo door   ·  the crowd   ·  are happy   ·  at home   ·  hears roxy   ·  takes off   ·  very heavy   ·  take pictures   ·  picks up   ·  with a kiss   ·  can't see   ·  roxy's room   ·  his car   ·  a broom   ·  is happy   ·  in love   ·  an autograph   ·  didn't get   ·  is inside   ·  for me   ·  is upset   ·  is singing   ·  a handkerchief  
Click and Drop click on a word or phrase in the box above and then on the appropriate gap.
Mr. Bean with Rowan Atkinson... Bean in Love! Mr. Bean is . He doesn't like the music. He a Roxy album. He puts the music on. He dances in the living room. He dances with the broom! Mr. Bean is happy. Mr. Bean is . What time is it? He has tickets to see Roxy. He brings his autograph book. He gets in .
Roxy! Mr. Bean ! Mr. Bean sees a limo... his autograph book...A crowd runs by. The driver opens the . Roxy gets out. People . Roxy smiles. The driver keeps the crowd back. Mr Bean . Mr. Bean gets to the front of the crowd. The driver holds Mr Bean back. Mr. Bean gives the driver $10. He wants an autograph. The driver puts Mr. Bean at the back of .
He is upset. Mr. Bean wants . A musician gets out of the car. He puts his instrument near the wall. The musician tries to lift the case. It's . WAIT! The instrument is against the wall. Mr. Bean the case. Mr. Bean is inside the hall. The driver, bodyguard, is watching Roxy's room. A delivery man is bringing flowers. He goes into the washroom. The musician his case and drops it. The
Mr. Bean is carrying the flowers. He gets into ! He puts the flowers on the floor. Roxy sees Mr. Bean. She says , " ?" Mr. Bean faints. The bodyguard comes in. He takes Mr. Bean, and throws him out the door.
Mr. Bean . The concert begins. A handsome blonde man is dancing with .
Roxy comes out. She . "Bean" He's singing. Mr. Bean is dancing with the broom. A duck falls on Mr. Bean's head. Mr. Bean gets onto the stage. He says, "Hello hello," He says "Where am I?" He the Duck mask. Roxy sees Mr. Bean. She wants an autograph. HE wants an autograph. He wants an autograph. She says, "Sure." The bodyguard takes Mr. Bean away. She keeps the pen. The bodyguard throws Mr. Bean outside. Roxy is singing. Mr. Bean goes home. He Roxy's autograph.
Roxy is in . She sees Mr. Bean's pencil. She sees Mr. Bean outside. Mr. Bean is dancing with a broom. Mr. Bean singing. She gives him his pencil and kisses him. She wipes off the kiss with . She gets in the limo. The driver is angry. Mr. Bean says goodbye. Oh no! He forgot to get the autograph. Mr. Bean goes home. He closes the door. He takes off the music. He's crying. He didn't get the autograph. Oh wait! The handkerchief. Roxy signed the handkerchief and her autograph. He puts it on the wall. He kisses her handkerchief. All the cats . Mr. Bean is happy!
This exercise (300) has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English