- 5:25 PM
- 3:54 AM
not · connected · front · create · money · jazz · 300 · special · most · than · babies · us · of · musicians · more · happiness · worries · stay · 20 · work · less · open
Watch the video from beginning to end. Click and Drop a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
What can babies teach us? |
Babies can teach us to find in the simplest things. |
How many times a day do babies laugh? |
Babies laugh more than times a day. |
What kind of brain does a baby have? |
Babies have a brain. |
How is a baby’s brain special? |
It helps them to everything around them. |
How often do adults laugh? |
They laugh times a day. |
Why don’t adults laugh very often? |
They don’t laugh often because they are to everything. |
What do adults focus on or think about? |
They focus on and , for example. |
Do all adults focus on money and work? |
No, but do. |
Who have scientists studied? |
Scientists have studied . |
What kind of brains do jazz musicians have? |
They have brains like . |
Where do jazz musicians and meditators have less brain activity? |
They have less activity in the of their brains. |
What can jazz musicians do when they lower the activity in the front of their brains? |
They can new and exciting music. |
How do meditators feel? |
They feel more to the world around them and less focused on their or problems. |
What should you do if you want to be happier? |
You should try thinking like a baby. Be to new possibilities and laugh a little. |
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English
- 2:12 PM
Click on the picture to go to the website.
Scroll down to the second game. How fast can you make a correct sentence?
- 2:00 PM
- 10:43 PM
- 10:19 AM
Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
grade · So does · near · to get · in · been · my · come · to take · to meet · this · By the way · this · too · we've · around · too
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
JOYCE: Don't get dirty! He really likes dirty! |
TASHA: And he really likes baths, too right? |
JOYCE: Oh, I wish. This is a nice park. |
TASHA: Yes it is. Have you here before? |
JOYCE: No, just come here for the first time today. How about you? |
TASHA: We here often. We live just the corner of Maple Street. |
JOYCE: We live here, too. Our house is on Elm Street by McKenzie School. , my name is Joyce. |
TASHA: Hi, Joyce. I'm Tasha. It's nice you. Does your son go to McKenzie School? |
JOYCE: Yes, he does. |
TASHA: my daughter. Maybe they're in the same class. How old is your son? |
JOYCE: He's nine. He's in four. How about your daughter? |
TASHA: 'She's ten. She's grade five. |
LISA: Hi, Mom. |
TASHA: Hi Lisa. This is Joyce. Joyce, this is daughter Lisa. |
JOYCE: Hi, Lisa. Nice to meet you. |
LISA: Hi! Oh, Mom, will you go on the teeter-totter with me? |
TASHA: Oh no! I'm big. |
LISA: No, you're not. Please. |
JOYCE: Maybe Roy will play with you. Roy! Come here a minute. |
ROY: Hi, Mom! I like park. There's a jungle gym you can climb and a tree |
house. |
JOYCE: Roy, is Tasha and this is her daughter Lisa. |
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division
- 7:28 PM
Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
was hoping · Not bad · wet · still · they're · how's · afternoon · your · hope · umbrella · are · I'm
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
TASHA: Good , Mrs. Wong. |
MRS. WONG: Good afternoon, Tasha. How you? |
TASHA: fine. And you? |
MRS. WONG: , thanks. It sure is a day. |
TASHA: Oh, is it raining? |
MRS. WONG: Yes. It's pouring. You'll need your . |
TASHA: Oh, that's too bad. I for some sun. |
MRS. WONG: Well, maybe tomorrow. |
TASHA: I so. How's husband? |
MRS. WONG: Oh, he's good, thanks. And your family? |
TASHA: Oh, just fine. |
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division
Teacher's Corner
- 11:35 PM
Watch the video starting at 00:43 until the end. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
all wet • a nice day • pretty well • your • feels better • how is • wet and cold • afternoon • are you doing • pick up • a cold • a little • See you later • hot shower • are • terrible • Take • I better get going • your family • the rain
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
MANSOUREH: Hi, Tasha. |
TASHA: Oh, hi, Mansoureh. |
MANSOUREH: Good , Mrs. Wong: It sure is . |
MRS. WONG: Sure is. . |
TASHA: It's a day. |
MANSOUREH: How is your son, Mrs. Wong? |
MRS. WONG: Raymond? |
MANSOUREH: Yes, Raymond. |
MRS. WONG: Oh, he's okay, thanks. |
MANSOUREH: Well, please say "hi" to him for me. I haven't seen him for almost two months. |
MRS. WONG: Okay, I will. Well, . My bridge class starts in five minutes. |
TASHA: Oh, you'd better hurry. |
MRS. WONG: . |
MANSOUREH: Bye, Mrs. Wong. |
TASHA: Have . I'll see you tomorrow. |
MRS. WONG: Bye. |
MANSOUREH: So, how are you, Tasha? |
TASHA: Oh, I'm , thanks, and you? |
MANSOUREH: Oh, 'I'm okay. |
TASHA:And how's ? |
MANSOUREH: Great. And your daughter? |
TASHA: Lisa? Oh, she's okay. She has a bit of , so she's not feeling too great. |
MANSOUREH: Oh, that's too bad: Well, I hope she soon. |
TASHA: Oh, I hope so. |
LUIGI: Hi, Tasha. Hi, Mansoureh. |
MANSOUREH: Hello, Luigi. |
TASHA: Hi, Luigi, you are . |
LUIGI: It's raining outside pretty hard. How ? |
MANSOUREH: Oh, I'm fine--except for and the cold! |
LUIGI: Oh, I don't mind the cold. It's good for running. |
MANSOUREH: Well, you sure do look healthy. |
LUIGI: Thanks. |
TASHA: Well, sorry guys, I have to Lisa up at school. So, I'll see you later. |
MANSOUREH: Sure, see you. |
LUIGI: Bye, Tasha. |
TASHA: Bye, Luigi. care. |
LUIGI: Okay. |
MANSOUREH: So Luigi. How your parents? |
LUIGI: Oh, they're doing very well. How's husband? |
MANSOUREH: Oh, he's fine. Hey, are you heading up to the changing room? |
LUIGI: Yeah, I am soaked, and cold. |
MANSOUREH: Well, a should fix that. |
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English
Teacher's Corner
- 11:30 PM
- 11:38 AM
- 7:39 PM
- 7:00 PM
Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
pick up • no point • really improved • to get tired • going to be • seems to help • hard to find • seem to be • comes easy • what you mean • afraid of • Have you had • make an appointment • to like • seems as though • Most of the time • I wish • I wonder if • interested in • difficult to get • hardest thing • the easiest thing • should have
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
TASHA: So, how does your daughter like school this year? |
JOYCE: Well, most of the time she seems it a lot. She seems very interested in math. |
TASHA: Oh, Lisa's math, too. Math for Lisa. |
JOYCE: Maybe she's an engineer. |
TASHA: Maybe. But reading is still a problem for her. |
JOYCE: What do you mean? |
TASHA: , she just doesn't like to read. |
JOYCE: her eyes checked? |
TASHA: Yes, we did last year. |
JOYCE: What did they say? |
TASHA: Well, they said they're okay. But sometimes they're getting worse, because she seems just after a few minutes of reading. |
JOYCE: Maybe you her eyes checked again. |
TASHA: Maybe we should. I'll for her next week at the eye doctor. |
JOYCE: Good. |
TASHA: If that isn't the problem, well, maybe we'll just have to get some extra help for her. |
JOYCE: Well, reading doesn't a problem for Linda. She seems to like to read. The for her is her spelling. |
TASHA: Oh, that's funny. Usually, a child who likes to read has very good spelling. |
JOYCE: Sometimes I think she just doesn't concentrate. |
TASHA: What do you mean? |
JOYCE: Well, sometimes it she just doesn't sound the words out properly. |
TASHA: We've been practising at home with Lisa. Practising a lot. |
JOYCE: Well, maybe that's the problem. |
TASHA: What? |
JOYCE: We're not practising enough at home. |
TASHA: Oh, it's the time. |
JOYCE: I know . Between school and all the other things. Piano, gymnastics ... |
TASHA: And soccer and dancing lessons. Tell me about it! |
JOYCE: Lisa's interested in dancing? |
TASHA: Yes. Lisa loves dancing. |
JOYCE: How often does she dance? |
TASHA: Her classes are usually twice a week. Now she wants to swimming. |
JOYCE: Swimming? Linda used to be the water. |
TASHA: Oh, and what happened? |
JOYCE: Well, she had a really great swimming teacher last summer. And now she's a lot. |
TASHA: Oh, that's great! It isn't to find the right teacher. |
JOYCE: That's right. |
TASHA: And how about her piano? |
JOYCE: Most of the time, she loves it. But lately it's been her to practise. |
TASHA: Well, they usually just don't have time. |
JOYCE: Usually. |
TASHA: Lisa were interested in music. |
JOYCE: But she likes to dance. |
TASHA: That's true. But she just doesn't like piano. To her, dancing is much more fun. |
JOYCE: Well, if kids aren't interested in something, there's trying to force them to do it. |
TASHA: Isn't that the truth. Remember your own childhood? |
JOYCE: Sure do. |
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division
- 12:45 AM
- 1:50 PM
- 9:41 AM