English in Vancouver: Lesson 07: Favour - Requests

Asking a Favour - LINC 1.12

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
take care of   ·  look after   ·  comes   ·  can I do   ·  this coming   ·  don't mind   ·  going   ·  way   ·  should   ·  to help   ·  appreciate   ·  favour   ·  a million   ·  not at all  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
TASHA: By the , could I ask you a ?
MRS. WONG: Sure. What for you?
TASHA: It's about Thursday.
TASHA: I'm to the doctor's Thursday afternoon at 2:15.
MRS. WONG: Uh-huh.
TASHA: And Lisa home from school at 3:30.
MRS. WONG: Do you need someone to her?
TASHA: Yes, if you .
MRS. WONG: Oh, .
TASHA: Well, I be back at 4:45. Could you her until I get back?
MRS. WONG: Sure. I'll be home all afternoon.
TASHA: Oh, thanks a lot. I really it.
MRS. WONG: No problem. I'll be happy .
TASHA: Ah, that's great. Thanks .


By the way: I was just thinking
This coming Thursday: The next time it is Thursday
Look after: Take care of
If you don’t mind: If that’s not a problem
Appreciate: Thank you for
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division

Mr. Bean - Library

Watch the video and press on the green play button to hear the story. Complete the exercise below.
rips out   •  starts to copy   •  cuts the pages   •  puts on   •  are talking   •  wants to copy   •  wants to see   •  takes out   •  comes back   •  his briefcase   •  gives the book   •  looks at   •  closes the book   •  looks around   •  time to go   •  moves around   •  sits down   •  looks up   •  pulls out  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
The library is very quiet. Mr. Bean tiptoes. He gives the librarian a note. Mr. Bean a special book. The librarian says, “ Shhh! Be quiet.” Mr. Bean tiptoes but the floor makes noise. He takes large steps. He at the table, opens his briefcase, and some paper, a notebook, and a pencil case. He opens his pencil case, but the zipper makes noise. He pours oil on the pencil case. “Oh good! Quiet.”
He takes out a pen and a pencil. Mr. Bean . He feels like he may hiccup. He hiccups again. The man at the table looks at Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean holds his breath. He looks at his watch. He looks at his watch again. He holds his breath. He looks around. It’s difficult to hold his breath. He shakes his hands. He in his chair. Oh, he breathes again. He hiccups again. The man .
Mr. Bean white gloves. The librarian brings him the special book. Mr. Bean turns the pages. Oh, wait a minute. He puts a red bookmark in the book. Then he turns the page. He the pictures. He turns the page. Oh! He the picture. He puts paper on top of the picture and takes his pencil. He the picture. Now he colours the picture. He’s colouring the picture. Ah choo! He sneezes and the paper falls on the ground. He’s colouring the picture by mistake. He looks at the man. He doesn’t know what to do. Ah-hah, an eraser! He erases the book. Okay, what is this? Liquid paper or white-out. He takes the liquid paper. He takes the white-out. No, he’s painting his nails. He’s painting his nails. He wants the man to think he’s painting… Oh, but he puts the white out on the book. He pours the white out on the book and he covers the colouring. The librarian comes and he closes the book.
Mr. Bean opens the book. The white-out is all over the pages. You cannot see the pictures. Mr. Bean is thinking. He is looking at the picture. “Oh no!” He looks around and the page. He sneezes and uses the page as a Kleenex. He puts it his briefcase. The other page has white-out on it too. He looks around and the page. Mr. Bean tells the man, “So many people .”
The book is missing two pages. Mr. Bean takes a knife out of his pencil case. He starts sharpening his pencil. He out of the book and puts them in . Mr. Bean turns the pages, but all of the pages are cut. The pages are all cut, and they are not in the book. He puts the pages back in the book and closes the book.
The librarian says “It’s .” The librarian tells the other man, “It’s time to go.” Mr. Bean . He doesn’t know what to do. Wait! He exchanges his book for the other man’s book and then he puts everything back in his briefcase, closes it, and he goes to give his book to the librarian first. The librarian looks at the book and says, “Thank you very much.” The second man to the librarian. but the pages fall on the floor. Mr. Bean . He takes his bookmark out of the book! Oh-oh! The librarian knows Mr. Bean was the one.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Thank You by Dido

just   ·  door   ·  today   ·  having   ·  grey   ·  picture   ·  window   ·  cold   ·  call   ·  head   ·  alone   ·  bills   ·  house   ·  day   ·  bad   ·  because   ·  towel   ·  life   ·  thank   ·  see   ·  again   ·  giving  
Click on the title, Thank You by Dido, to go to the Quiz page. Complete the quiz with the words in the box. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
My tea's gone , I'm wondering why
I got out of bed
The morning rain clouds up my
And I can't at all
And even if I could it' d all be
But your on my wall it reminds me
That it's not so bad, it's not so
I drank too much last night, got to pay
My just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell
I'm late for work and even if I'm there
They'll all imply that I might not last the
And then you me and it's not so bad
It's not so bad
And I want to thank you for me
The best day of my
Ohh, just to be with you is
The best day of my life
Push the , I'm home at last and I'm soaking
Through and through then you handed me a
And all I see is you, and even if my falls
Down now, I wouldn't have a clue you're near me
And I want to you for giving me
The best day of my life
Ohh, to be with you is having
The best day of my life
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English