The Loan - Verb Quiz

giving   ·  paying   ·  have   ·  were   ·   asked   ·  riding   ·  got   ·  taking   ·   were   ·  began   ·  see   ·  remember   ·  lent   ·  are   ·  took   ·  gave  
Click on the title, The Loan - Verb Quiz to go to the quiz page. Complete the quiz with the words in the box. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
Last year, two classmates, Ahmad and Eva       the skytrain to school. At VCC - Clark Skytrain Station, two robbers    on the train. They    robbing the passengers. They       the passengers' rings, jewelry and watches. Eva    out her wallet. She    $100 to Ahmad. “Why    you    me $100?” Ahmad    . Eva said, “Remember last week. I didn’t    any cash and you    me $100.” “I    ”, said Ahmad. “Well, I’m    you back!” said Eva. “Oh, I    ”, said Ahmad.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

What Can You Do? Health

Can you cook healthy food? Can you do yoga? Can you sing opera? Show other students something new and healthy. Think about this over the long weekend. On Tuesday, May 22nd, you can tell me what you would like to show other students. If you think of something you can do before that, please leave a comment. Say, "I can..."