Inviting Phrases

want   ·  playing   ·  busy   ·  Why   ·  anything   ·  but   ·  you   ·  make   ·  feel   ·  could   ·  tennis   ·  swimming   ·  like   ·  free   ·  prefer   ·  How   ·  other   ·  about   ·  play   ·  rather   ·  plans   ·  we   ·  What   ·  good  
Watch the video from beginning to end. Click on the title, Inviting Phrases to go to the quiz page. Click and Drop a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
Are you this Saturday?
Are you doing this weekend?
Are busy on Saturday?
Do you like doing anything this weekend?
Do you have any for the weekend?
Would you to play tennis on Saturday?
Do you to play tennis?
Do you feel like tennis?
Are you up for a game?
I'd like to, ...
I'm not very at tennis.
I wish I go, but ...
I have plans.
I'm on Saturday.
I can't it on Saturday.
don't we play tennis on Saturday?
How playing tennis?
about playing tennis?
We could tennis.
I'd go swimming.
I'd to go swimming.
Let's go instead.
Why don't go on Sunday?
about if we go on Sunday?
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

ESL News June

Listen to news story 1 from 00:00 - 01:48 and complete the exercise below. Listen to the other four stories and complete the worksheet your teacher gives you.
onboard   ·  plans   ·  traveling   ·  astronauts   ·  space   ·  local   ·  Desert   ·  means   ·  launched   ·  dock   ·  moon   ·  together   ·  station   ·  international   ·  Army   ·  bring   ·  spend  
Watch the video. Listen to the story. Click on the title, News Story 1 - China Launches Rocket to go to the quiz page. Click and Drop a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
In news, China the Shenzhou-9 rocket into on Saturday, June 16th at 6:37 pm time. The rocket launched from the Gobi in the northwest of China. Three , including China’s first woman astronaut, were the rocket. Liu Yang, is a 33-year old major in the Chinese . She is married with no children. Ms. Liu and the two male astronauts will ten days in space. They are to the Tiangong Space Lab. Tiangong Heavenly Palace in Chinese. Once they get there, they will with the space station. The docking will the Shenzhou-9 capsule and the Tiangong Space Lab at a very high speed. After docking, they will go into the space lab and do some testing. China to have its own working space by 2020. They also plan to land on the .
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Two Happy Students

spent   ·  came   ·  won   ·  remembered   ·  find   ·  found   ·  is   ·  picked   ·  ran   ·  gave   ·  was   ·  ticket   ·  told   ·  dump   ·  said   ·  took   ·  give   ·  are   ·  had   ·  looked   ·  feels   ·  asked   ·  look  
Watch the video. Listen to the story. Click on the title, Two Happy Students to go to the quiz page. Click and Drop a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
Miranda happy. She was very happy. She $500.000 in the lottery. She was happy for a few minutes. Then she . She threw the in the garbage. She to the garbage and inside. The garbage can was empty. “Where the garbage?” Miranda her husband. “The garbage truck and it up this morning. The truck the garbage to the dump.” Miranda went to the . She for her ticket in the garbage for two days. She the whole weekend at the dump. On Monday, Miranda all the students at VCC to for her lottery ticket. “If you it, I will you half the money,” she . Every day, hundreds of students went to the dump to for Miranda’s ticket. Five days later, Ahmad the ticket! Miranda $500,000. She was happy. She half the money to Ahmad. She isn’t sad. She still good. Before one student was happy, but now two students happy.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English