Our Love is Here to Stay

Watch the video. Listen and sing along to improve your pronunciation.
know   ·  may   ·  here   ·  may go   ·  telephone   ·  stay   ·  year   ·  day   ·  clear   ·  There're   ·  is   ·  may crumble   ·  May just be  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
It's very
Our love is to stay
Not for a
But ever and a .
The radio and the
And the movies that we
passing fancies,
And in time !
But, oh my dear,
Our love here to stay.
Together we're
Going a long, long way
In time the Rockies ,
Gibraltar tumble,
only made of clay,
But our love is here to .


Passing fancies: things that don’t last a long time
Rockies: Rocky Mountains in Canada
Crumble: fall apart
Gibraltar: Rock of Gibraltar in Britain
Tumble: roll away
Clay: rock
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Opening a Bank Account - LINC 3.06

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
would pay   •  to know   •  to open   •  be charged   •  would there be   •  would be lower   •  would cover   •  have you decided   •  There are a few   •  after I've opened   •  not as good as   •  to make   •  make daily deposits   •  which accounts   •  would just be   •  if I had  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
CLERK: Hi, good afternoon. How can I help you?
KOUSHICK: I'd like an account.
CLERK: Okay.
KOUSHICK: Could you give me some information on the different types of accounts?
CLERK: Of course. What would you like ?
KOUSHICK: I'd like to know give me good withdrawal flexibility and also good interest.
CLERK: All right. accounts that you may be interested in. Let me go through your options with you.
KOUSHICK: Thanks. It's so hard a decision just from a brochure.
CLERK: Okay. So, one of our popular accounts is the daily interest account.
KOUSHICK: The daily interest account? What kind of interest rate does that give me?
CLERK: Okay. Right now, a daily interest account gives 3.5% (three point five percent) interest.
KOUSHICK: Three point five percent (3.5%)?
CLERK: Yes. And you can and withdrawals.
KOUSHICK: Are there any accounts with higher interest rates?
CLERK: Yes. With the chequing/savings account, you would get 4% (four percent) interest.
KOUSHICK: Four percent ... What if I had a package account?
CLERK: All right, with a package account, your interest rate . It would be around 3% (three percent).
KOUSHICK: Three percent. That's the chequing/savings ...
CLERK: No, that's right. The interest rate is better with the chequing/savings account.
KOUSHICK: Could I ask you a few more questions? L1NC 3.06
CLERK: Of course.
KOUSHICK: Could you tell me, a package account, could I write cheques?
CLERK: Yes, with a package account you could order personalized cheques.
KOUSHICK: And would I a fee for each cheque that I wrote?
CLERK: No. You a fee of $9 (nine dollars) per month and that all of your transactions, including the cheque writing.
KOUSHICK: And if I had a chequing/savings account, would I be charged each time I wrote a cheque or a monthly fee?
CLERK: There would be a fifty cent service charge per cheque and no monthly charge.
KOUSHICK: And, an account, let's say the chequing/savings, could I change it to another type of account?
CLERK: Yes, you can always change to another type of account anytime you need to. There a small service charge.
CLERK: Okay. Anything else?
KOUSHICK: I don't think so.
CLERK: All right. Would you like to open an account today?
KOUSHICK: Yes, I would.
CLERK: And what type of account on?
KOUSHICK: The chequing and savings.
CLERK: No problem.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

You'll Be Blessed

Elton John is singing a song to his unborn child. He hopes his child has a good life and will be blessed by God. He promises his child, "You will be blessed."

Come Rain or Come Shine

Watch the video. Listen and sing along to improve your pronunciation.
guess   ·  money   ·  always   ·  together   ·  with   ·  won't   ·  nobody's   ·  don't   ·  cloudy   ·  shine   ·  mountain   ·  true   ·  gonna   ·  things   ·  rain  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
I'm love you like nobody's loved you
Come or come shine
High as a and deep as a river
Come rain or come
I when you met me
It was just one of those
But you ever bet me
'Cause I'm gonna be if you let me
You're gonna love me like loved me
Come rain or come shine
Happy , unhappy together
And that be fine
Days may be or sunny
We're in or we're out of the
But I'm with you
I'm you rain or shine
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Pregnant at the Doctor - LINC 2.02

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
being   ·  can get   ·  have to   ·  felt   ·  have   ·  You've gained   ·  are you feeling   ·  is   ·  become   ·  kicking   ·  trying   ·  can find   ·  to get   ·  to stay   ·  to lie down   ·  check   ·  I'll   ·  are feeling   ·  been   ·  feel   ·  had   ·  should try   ·  to take   ·  get   ·  were  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
DOCTOR: So how this week?
DOCTOR: Let's your weight.
DOCTOR: Let's see. 11 (eleven) kilograms in total, 25 (twenty-five) pounds. That's not bad. Let's check your pulse.
CATHY: I really heavy. I've having a lot of backache.
DOCTOR: Did you backache before you pregnant?
CATHY: No. I sometimes pain around my neck, but this is in my lower back.
DOCTOR: Your extra weight making your back hurt. Your pulse is normal. That's good.
CATHY: I'm trying care of myself. I'm careful about the food I eat.
DOCTOR: Good for you! You're already a good mother. Do you still have headaches?
CATHY: Not really, but if I a cold, my, my nose and head hurt.
DOCTOR: Those are the sinuses. They get blocked. That's normal. The sinuses very swollen.
CATHY: Sometimes I can't breathe through my nose. I breathe through my mouth.
DOCTOR: In that case, try not sick.
CATHY: I'm not to!
DOCTOR: Do you have any other problems?
CATHY: Well, my ankles swollen.
DOCTOR: You need off your feet as much as you can. You and put your feet up every few hours.
CATHY: Okay, try. One other thing. I twisted my knee a couple of days ago, and my knee really loose. Why would that happen?
DOCTOR: The ligaments in your body loose when you're pregnant. You just need to be extra careful. Okay, I need you on the table.
CATHY: Oh! The baby's . Feel!
DOCTOR: Good strong legs! Now, let's see if we the baby's heartbeat
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division