A Job Interview - LINC 3.24

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
have been taking   •  Could you come   •  Won't you   •  asked me to   •  have   •  I've seen   •  come   •  during that time   •  there were   •  worked   •  to hearing   •  don't like   •  I'll tell   •  you ever looked   •  I see   •  calling   •  I would replace   •  to thank   •  to meet   •  for seeing   •  will be   •  returning your call   •  is expanding   •  tell me if   •  after I finished   •  are moving   •  this is   •  to see  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
The Ming Home
RECEPTIONIST: Hi, this is Mr. Healey's office for Joyce Ming. Could you give us a call, please, at 431-9989? Thank you .... that's 431-9989.
JOYCE: 4-3-1-9-9-8-9
RECEPTIONIST: Transom and Transom, Mr. Healey's office.
JOYCE: Oh, hello, this is Joyce Ming .
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, yes, Joyce. Um ... Mr. Healey reviewed your application for the bookkeeping position, and he set up an interview for you.
JOYCE: Oh, that's great, thank you.
RECEPTIONIST: in tomorrow morning at 9:30?
JOYCE: 9:30 ... 9:30. That's fine, thank you.
RECEPTIONIST: Good, we'll see you tomorrow, then. Goodbye ...
JOYCE: Goodbye ...
Office Reception
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, can I help you?
JOYCE: I'm Joyce Ming. I have an appointment Mr. Healey.
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, yes. Mr. Healey you're here. Hello, Mr. Healey, Joyce Ming is here to see you. Fine, I'll send her in. Mr. Healey will see you now. First door on your right.
JOYCE: Thank you.
Mr. Healey's Office
MR. HEALEY: Mrs. Ming?
JOYCE: Yes, that's right.
MR. HEALEY: Pleased to meet you. My name is George Healey. sit down?
JOYCE: Thank you, it's nice you, Mr. Healey.
MR. HEALEY: Well, I looked at your resume, and you have experience with office work. Why don't you tell me a little more about yourself?
JOYCE: Well, I from Hong Kong, and I for the bookkeeping department of a company like yours for five years business school.
MR. HEALEY: Was it a large department?
JOYCE: No, only three of us. My duties included typing and bookkeeping, and the receptionist sometimes. After that, we came to Canada. I've been at home with my children for the last few years, and I've been a volunteer in the office at our community centre.
MR. HEALEY: Oh, yes, I noticed that. I think you there.
JOYCE: I'm at the front desk sometimes. And I keep the books there, too. I a course at the college for the past month to learn about computers and to get my typing speed back up.
MR. HEALEY: Have after a payroll?
JOYCE: Yes, I did the monthly payroll at my first job. I'm confident I can do the job.
MR. HEALEY: Well, that's fine. Do you have any questions for me?
JOYCE: Yes, can you tell me more about the company?
MR. HEALEY: Yes, well, a good company to work for. We good benefits, such as a medical and dental plan and three weeks' paid vacation in the first year. And the company , so there lots of opportunity for advancement in the future.
JOYCE: I see. That's interesting. And can you this is a new position?
MR. HEALEY: Well, no. We're looking for someone to replace our current bookkeeper. She and her husband out of town. We're sorry her go.
JOYCE: And so this is a permanent position?
MR. HEALEY: Oh, yes, we to make too many staff changes in our bookkeeping section.
JOYCE: Yes, I understand.
MR. HEALEY: Do you have any other questions?
JOYCE: No, I think that's all.
MR. HEALEY: Well, if that's all, Mrs. Ming, I'd like you for coming in. We'll let you know in a few days.
JOYCE: Thank you me, Mr. Healey. I'll look forward from you soon. Bye-bye.
MR. HEALEY: Goodbye.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Parent-Teacher Meeting

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
can understand   ·  would be   ·  can pronounce   ·  needs to   ·  for coming   ·  don't worry   ·  fine thanks   ·  can practice   ·  a shy boy   ·  a few   ·  help him   ·  his progress   ·  too   ·  so much   ·  let's talk about   ·  morning   ·  does  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
MRS. GILROY: Good Ms. H.
TEACHER: Hi Mrs. Gilroy. How are you?
MRS. GILROY: I’m . How are you?
TEACHER: I’m fine thank you. So your son, Diego. Um, in reading is very good.
MRS. GILROY: Oh, good.
TEACHER: Mm-hm. He English well, and he many words...Yeah... But he improve in math.
MRS. GILROY: Okay, what can I do to help?
TEACHER: Well, you with him and with his homework every night.
MRS. GILROY: Okay, I’ll try to practice with him.
TEACHER: That great. Um, so, do you have any questions for me?
MRS. GILROY: Yes, actually, I was wondering, Diego have some friends at school?
TEACHER: Well, Diego is , but he has close friends.
MRS. GILROY: Yeah, I was a little worried about him because he’s so shy.
TEACHER: Oh, . He’s doing fine.
MRS. GILROY: Oh, good.
TEACHER: Okay, I think that’s all. Thank you .
MRS. GILROY: Thank you . Bye-bye.
TEACHER: Bye. Take care.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division

The NSF Cheque - LINC 3.23

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
have been looking   •  to cover   •  to write   •  without recording   •  catching up on   •  could have bought   •  hate driving   •  about to call   •  such a bad   •  cheque I wrote   •  at least they're nice   •  enough money   •  joint account   •  straighten it out   •  said I could   •  to record   •  was returned   •  take a look at   •  there wasn't   •  I'd better go  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
ALI: Hi, Mansoureh.
MANSOUREH: Oh! Hi, Ali, you're back from work early.
ALI: Yeah, well, the traffic wasn't so bad today. It only took me twenty-five minutes.
MANSOUREH: Twenty-five minutes! Well, that's good. I know how much you in traffic.
ALI: Yeah! Busy?
MANSOUREH: Yeah, I'm just some letters to my family.
ALI: How are they going?
MANSOUREH: Not bad. I even managed a letter to your sister.
ALI: Good! I am letter writer.
MANSOUREH: Oh, I'll say. Oh, no!
ALI: Is there something wrong with the mail?
MANSOUREH: I just got a notice for an NSF cheque. The to the grocery store bounced. I guess there wasn't in our account.
ALI: Let me take a look at this. You looked at the chequebook record before you wrote the cheque, didn't you?
MANSOUREH: Yes. I don't understand. I thought we had about $200 (two hundred dollars) in our .
ALI: Well, let's just the record. I'm sure it's just a mistake. Oh! I remember, I forgot the car repairs.
MANSOUREH: The car repairs! Well, how much did you spend?
ALI: About $160 (one hundred and sixty dollars).
MANSOUREH: Well, that's the problem. When I wrote the cheque for the groceries, they came to about $180 (one hundred and eighty dollars). So I guess enough money in our account to cover it.
ALI: Well, I'll take some money out of the savings account tomorrow and deposit it in our chequing account.
MANSOUREH: Okay. And I'll phone the grocery store and apologize. in tomorrow and pay them cash.
ALI: Good. Sorry about the mistake.
MANSOUREH: No problem! At least we can .
ALI: Hmm.
MR. SMILEY: Smiley's Grocery. Can I help you?
MANSOUREH: Hi, this is Mansoureh Ran. I wrote you a cheque last week and I've just received notice from my bank that there wasn't enough money in the account the cheque.
MR. SMILEY: Yes, the cheque to the store today. I was you.
MANSOUREH: My husband and I have a joint account, and he wrote a cheque it. I'm very sorry about this. I'll come in tomorrow and pay you cash.
MR. SMILEY: That's fine, Mrs. Ran, but you know we have a $5 (five-dollar) charge on any returned cheques.
MANSOUREH: Yes. I understand. I'll see you tomorrow?
MR. SMILEY: Okay. Bye now.
MANSOUREH: Thanks. Bye-bye.
ALI: So, what did they say?
MANSOUREH: Oh, Mr. Smiley come in tomorrow and pay cash.
ALI: Well, about it.
MANSOUREH: Unfortunately they're going to charge us $5 (five dollars) for the returned cheque.
ALI: Oh, that's too bad. I guess the bank will probably charge us something, too.
MANSOUREH: That's right. You me flowers instead!
ALI: I know! But I bought you this book by your favorite writer.
MANSOUREH: Oh, Ali, that's wonderful! I for this book for ages!
ALI: Uh-huh, I know.
MANSOUREH: Ah, $8.50 (eight dollars and fifty cents)!
ALI: Hey, hey, hey. I paid for it in cash.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

A Credit Card Problem - LINC 3.22

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
crediting your account   •  must be   •  to ask   •  that's all settled   •  account number   •  what I   •  we'll be able to   •  was keyed   •  said that she would   •  might have caused   •  don't mention it   •  was charged   •  I've never had   •  Neither have I   •  expiry date   •  must have been   •  there's an error   •  check on that   •  so quickly   •  should have been billed   •  I've just received  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
MRS. WONG: More tea, Tasha?
TASHA: Thank you. These muffins are really delicious.
MRS. WONG: Thank you. You know, I wanted you something.
TASH: Sure.
MRS WONG: I think on my VISA statement. I wonder should do.
TASHA: This garden shop charge?
MRS. WONG: No. This charge here. We never bought anything from the Green Acres Golf Club.
TASHA: My goodness-$657 (six hundred and fifty-seven dollars).
MRS. WONG: And we don't even play golf.
TASHA: Well, it a mistake.
MRS. WONG: I am sure it is. I think I'll call the VISA office and tell them about the error.
TASHA: That's a good idea. The inquiry number somewhere here on your statement.
MRS. WONG: Oh, here it is. I'll call them right now.
TASHA: Sure, the information line is open twenty-four hours.
MRS. WONG: Oh, good.
VISA CLERK: Good afternoon, VISA Centre. May I help you?
MRS. WONG: Yes. This is Mrs. Wong. my statement and there seems to be an error.
CLERK: May I please have your , Mrs. Wong?
MRS. WONG: My VISA card number is 7465-871-341-960.
CLERK: Thank you. And the expiry date, please.
MRS. WONG: The is 11195.
CLERK: That's 11195. Now, what is the date on the bill?
MRS. WONG: The date on the bill was June the first.ity VIDEO SCRIPT Page 2, LINC 3.22
CLERK: Okay. Mrs. Wong, what item to you?
MRS. WONG: The extra item was a charge from the Green Acres Golf Club.
CLERK: All right, Mrs. Wong. I'm going to and I'm going to call you right back. I'm sure find the problem.
MRS. WONG: Thank you!
TASHA: What did they say?
MRS. WONG: She check into it and call me back. You know an unexplained charge on my VISA statement before.
MRS. WONG: Hello.
CLERK: Yes, Mrs. Wong. We found the error. It was a keying mistake.
MRS. WONG: A keying error?
CLERK: Yes, that's correct. Your account number is similar to the number that . The wrong number into the computer.
MRS. WONG: I'm glad you found the problem.
CLERK: Well, I'm sorry for any inconvenience this you.
MRS. WONG: No problem. Will you be sending me a new statement?
CLERK: No, we won't be sending you a new bill. But we will be for the full amount.
MRS. WONG: That's fine. Thank you for taking care of it .
CLERK: You have a nice day.
MRS. WONG: So, .
TASHA: Have they found the error?
MRS. WONG: Yes, it was a simple keying error.
TASHA: Oh, good.
MRS. WONG: So, thanks for your help.
TASHA: No problem. Thank you for the tea and for the muffins.
MRS. WONG: Oh, .
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Winter Weather Report - LINC 3.21

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
colder than   •  if there's   •  supposed to be   •  just as cold   •  responsible for   •  is expected for   •  ski boots are   •  where   •  Intermittent   •  plenty of   •  said there was   •  predicted   •  There are   •  as much snow as   •  the cold front   •  is expecting   •  what's it like   •  coastal regions   •  what channel   •  hardly wait   •  are expected   •  to watch  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
ALI: Mansoureh! Do you know my ski goggles are?
MANSOUREH: They're in the closet.
ALI: Where?
MANSOUREH: On the shelf in the closet. Don't worry, I'll bring them.
ALI: Okay, good!
MANSOUREH: Here they are!
ALI: Thanks. Now I have everything. Are you ready?
MANSOUREH: Yes, I'm ready.
ALI: Oh, by the way. Did you get a chance the weather report?
MANSOUREH: The weather report? Why?
ALI: Because I don't want to drive all the way up to the ski hill no snow!
MANSOUREH: Don't worry! There will be lots of snow.
ALI: Yeah, how do you know?
MANSOUREH: Trust me.
ALI: Well, outside?
MANSOUREH: Well, it's pretty cold. It's only five degrees.
ALI: It's it was yesterday. Are there any clouds?
MANSOUREH: Yes. some clouds.
ALI: Well, it always snows when it's cold and cloudy.
MANSOUREH: Don't worry. There will be lots of snow. And there's some more this afternoon.
ALI: Why, are they predicting snow?
MANSOUREH: Yep. The weather forecast a chance of snow at higher elevations.
ALI: Do you know the weather is on?
MANSOUREH: I think it's on twenty-six.
ALI: Okay.
WEATHER FORECASTER: And now let's take a look at weather systems across
the country. Snow flurries on the Atlantic coast today. St. John's (St. John is) currently reporting a high of around plus 1, with an overnight low of minus 2. Halifax plus 4 and O. Moving inland, it snowed overnight in northern Quebec. In Quebec City, highs of minus 8 with an expected low of minus 15. In Montreal and Ottawa highs of about plus 1 with lows near zero, and heavy snowfall
overnight. ALI: Quebec always gets snow in the winter.
MANSOUREH: Do they get in Halifax?
ALI: I don't know. Mind you, all of Eastern Canada gets a lot of snow.
MANSOUREH: Except Toronto. They don't get as much snow as Halifax or Montreal.
ALI: That's true. But it's in Toronto as it is in the rest of the Eastern provinces.
MANSOUREH: Yeah. We're lucky. It's so much warmer here in winter.
ALI: Oh, here's the weather report for British Columbia.
WEATHER FORECASTER: As we move further west we see Chinook-type winds in southern Alberta highs of up to 17 and unseasonable showers. In the Interior of B.C. a heavy snow warning and lows of minus 5 continue as moves toward the coast. The of B.C. can expect continued cold with reported highs near 4 and lows of minus 1. Intermittent snowfall the region.
ALI: snowfall?
MANSOUREH: That's good. I don't want it to snow all day long.
ALI: That's true. And we get some new snow.
MANSOUREH: Yeah. Just a little bit of powder on top of the old base.
ALI: Great! I can to put my skis on. Are you ready?
MANSOUREH: I am ready. My stuff’s at the door.
ALI: Right then. Let's go. Oops. Mansoureh, do you know where my ?
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

A Car Accident - Part 2: LINC 3.20

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
before we do   •  all of that   •  Can you bring   •  how the accident happened   •  I don't think   •  was coming   •  at the exit   •  the other   •  will be   •  we're going to have to   •  Could I have   •  Can you give me   •  will be looking   •  brought   •  I need you to   •  before I backed out   •  do you have   •  report an accident   •  is parked   •  It happened   •  was hurt  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
At Brenda's Office
BRENDA: ICBC, ICBC ... Insurance Corporation of BC, Dial-a-Claim, 520-8222.
RECEPTIONIST: Hello, ICBC. How can I help you?
BRENDA: Hello. I'd like to .
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. your name, address, and telephone number?
BRENDA: My name is Brenda Hooper, that's H-o-o-p-e-r, and my address is 1534
Pine Street, Apartment 214. And my phone number is 734-1207.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. give me your driver's licence, your licence plate number, your registration number, and your car insurance information.
BRENDA: Yes, I think I have right here.
RECEPTIONIST: How many vehicles were in the accident?
RECEPTIONIST: Did you get driver's information, too?
BRENDA: Yes, I did.
RECEPTIONIST: Good. I'll need that information in a moment. But first, I'll give you your claim number.
RECEPTIONIST: It's E-1-7-9-8-6-2-8
BRENDA: E-1-7-9-8-6-2-8.
RECEPTIONIST: your car in at one p.m. next Tuesday?
BRENDA: Yes, I think I can.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. Your appointment Tuesday at one. Now when did the accident happen?
BRENDA: today, March twenty-first, at about 2:30 in the afternoon.
RECEPTIONIST: And where did it happen?
BRENDA: It happened of a parking lot on Maple Street.
RECEPTIONIST: And can you tell me ?
BRENDA: Yes, I was backing out of the parking stall ....
BRENDA: Hi, my name is Brenda Hooper.
ADJUSTER: Yes, yes, Ms. Hooper. your claim file, please?
BRENDA: Yes, here it is.
ADJUSTER: And all your information with you—your car insurance, your vehicle registration?
BRENDA: Yes, I everything.
ADJUSTER: Okay. An estimator at the damaged vehicle while we
double-check your claim.
BRENDA: Okay. My car right over there. And the damage is on the rear
left side.
ADJUSTER: Okay. We'll get to that later. Now, how did it happen?
BRENDA: Well, that the accident was entirely my fault. I mean, I checked for other cars . It's just, I couldn't see around that parked van. And the other truck so fast ....
ADJUSTER: Okay. Well, take a formal statement from you.
BRENDA: Fine. I'm just thankful no one .
ADJUSTER: For sure. Now, the statement, let's make sure the information in the file is correct. Could I have your documents?
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

A Car Accident - Part 1 - LINC 3.20

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
if you say so   •  report   •  broken headlight   •  it's up to you   •  driver's licence   •  too fast   •  looked carefully   •  should call   •  what happened   •  wasn't hurt   •  taillights   •  rear view mirror   •  may have to   •  could I get   •  could I have   •  should cost   •  less than   •  We'll see   •  should we  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
TONY: Are you all right?
BRENDA: Yeah, I think so. Are you?
TONY: Yes. I . Oh, no! Looks like your car has some damage.
MICHAEL: Was anyone hurt?
BRENDA: I think we're both okay, thanks. I don't know .
TONY: You didn't look. You just came straight out of the parking lot.
BRENDA: I . I didn't see you. I think you were going .
MICHAEL: Well, I think you were coming a bit too fast. But I didn't see you look before you backed out.
BRENDA: I did look. I looked out of my , and my side mirror.
TONY: Well, what do? Should we call the police?
BRENDA: Well, . But I don't think we have to if the damage is $1000 (one thousand dollars).
TONY: Well, my van seems okay. It's 'only a . But your car ...
MICHAEL: I think it will cost more than a thousand to fix this one.
TONY: I don't think so. The and the bumper cannot be that expensive. What do you think?
BRENDA: I think you're right. I think it less than thousand dollars.
MICHAEL: Well, I'm not so sure, but ...
BRENDA: . Can I get your name and address? And I'll need your driver's licence, too.
TONY: My name is Tony Hancock. That's H-a-n-c-o-c-k. My address is 563 Kirsch
Street, Apartment 12.
BRENDA: Tony Hancock, 563 Kirsch Street, Apartment 12.
TONY: And my is 8-3-4-6-3-5-1.
BRENDA: 8-3-4-6-3-5-1. Thanks.20
TONY: And your name and address?
BRENDA: Certainly. It's Brenda Hooper-H-o-o-p-e-r.
TONY: Brenda Hooper ...
BRENDA: 1534 Pine Street, Apartment 214. And my license number is 7-3-9-4-9-4-7.
TONY: 7-3-9-4-9-4-7. Great. And, your name and phone number? Because you were a witness.
MICHAEL: Well, okay. Michael Cherniak-C-h-e-r-n-i-a-k. 224-3891.
BRENDA: Thanks, Michael. We call you later.
MICHAEL: Sure, no problem.
TONY: I'll call ICBC and the accident. You them as well.
BRENDA: Thanks. I'll do it this afternoon.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division