Shopping for Pants Conversation

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
rooms   •  them   •  on   •  be   •  Be sure to   •  nice   •  How about   •  a good fit   •  return   •  your receipt   •  minute   •  dress pants   •  smaller   •  are   •  would you like   •  You too   •  Let me check   •  try   •  too   •  these   •  you   •  a pair of   •  think   •  really good   •  anything   •  a size 7  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
Clerk: How you?
Customer: Good and you?
Clerk: Can I help you find today?
Customer: I’m looking for pants.
Clerk: We have jeans.
Customer: No. I want .
Clerk: these?
Customer: Do you have ?
Clerk: . Yes. Here you are.
Customer: Okay. Can I them ?
Clerk: Sure. The fitting are over there.
Customer: They’re big. Do you have a size?
Clerk: Just a . Yes. Here’s a size 5.
Customer: What do you ?
Clerk: They look on you.
Customer: Yeah. They’re . I’ll take .
Clerk: How to pay?
Customer: Cash.
Clerk: That’ll $56.98.
Customer: Here are.
Clerk: Would you like in the bag?
Customer: Yes. Um, can I them if my husband doesn’t like them.
Clerk: Sure. You have fourteen days. keep your receipt.
Customer: Thanks. Have a day.
Clerk: .
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

Grammar Test

Verb TensesVerb Tenses

  1. Which verb means now?
  2. I wrote. I am writing. I will write.
  3. Which verb means past--long action.
  4. I wrote. I was writing. I write.
  5. Which verb means past to now.
  6. I wrote. I have written. I was writing