At the Community Centre - LINC 2.32 - Conversation 2

Conversation 2: Vocabulary
CLERK: Hi. How can I help you?
ANTHONY: Do you have any classes that will teach me how to
CLERK: Yes, we do. Do you know what kind of dancing you would
like to learn?
ANTHONY: Well, I already know how to waltz and fox-trot.ballroom
. I want to learn to do Latin American dancing.
CLERK: We have a number of several or a fewdifferent classes. This
form gives you all the information. If you would like to register for it, you can fill out the form on the back.
ANTHONY: Just one more thing! I'm also looking for a class
that will teach mehow to fix a car.
CLERK: We have half-day classes in car maintenance look after your car or
take care of your car
on the weekends. Would you like to
register for one?
ANTHONY: I'm not sure. Will it show me how to rebuildbuild
an engine?
CLERK: I don't think so. It's pretty basic. It shows people
how to change the oil and the brakestop the car with the brakes fluid, things
like that.
ANTHONY: Oh, I'm looking for something more
CLERK: Why don't you talk to the instructor? His name and his
number are on this sheet.
ANTHONY: Okay, I'll do that. Thanks.
CLERK: You're welcome.
Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division

The Smart Grandmother - Direct and Indirect Objects

Watch the video with captions on. Listen and repeat. Click on the title,   The Smart Grandmother - Direct and Indirect Objects to go to the quiz page. Practice the grammar. Write words in the spaces to make two sentences with the same meaning. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
The teacher told the class a story.
The teacher told .
The grandmother sent cheques to her grandchildren.
The grandmother .
The grandmother gave each child a large cheque.
The grandmother .
The children brought flowers for their grandmother.
The children brought .
The children gave their grandmother thank you notes.
The children gave .
The mother always told something to her children.
The mother always .
Her friend asked her a question.
Her friend asked .
The mother forgot to tell something to her children.
The mother forgot to tell .
We will tell another class this story next week.
We will tell next week.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English

We Are the World

We are studying community. Here is a song about community. Click on GO TO EXERCISE >> below the line to do the listening exercise.
need   ·  believe   ·  world   ·  stand   ·  lives   ·  truth   ·  stronger   ·  you   ·  people   ·  heart   ·  bread   ·  together   ·  day   ·  time   ·  life   ·  make   ·  making   ·  change   ·  ones   ·  greatest   ·  hope   ·  giving   ·  family   ·  hand  
Click on the title, We Are the World, to go to the Quiz page. Complete the quiz with the words in the box. Click on the Check, Show, and Clear buttons to check, show and clear the answers.
There comes a when we heed a certain call
When the world must come as one
There are dying
And it’s time to lend a hand to
The gift of all
We can't go on pretending day by
That someone, somehow will soon make a
We are all a part of Gods great big
And the , you know,
Love is all we
We are the , we are the children
We are the who make a brighter day
So lets start
There's a choice we're
We're saving our own
Its true we'll a better day
Just and me
Send them your so they'll know that someone cares
And their lives will be and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to
So we all must lend a helping
When you're down and out, there seems no at all
But if you just there's no way we can fall
Let us realize that a can only come
When we together as one
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English