Invitation to a Party - LINC 3.04

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
this time of year   •  I'll call   •  like to check   •  I've got to   •  to babysit   •  some other time   •  can we bring   •  I'd appreciate that   •  See you around   •  I'm having   •  that's too bad   •  to go   •  to see you   •  thanks for   •  sounds good   •  I'd like that   •  I can't right now   •  hope so   •  I'll check with   •  got to go   •  I hope   •  be happy to   •  How about   •  getting   •  I'll let you know   •  a great workout   •  are you feeling   •  We'd love to  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
MANSOUREH: Good shot, Wendy! You win again!
WENDY: Okay. Well, the game, Mansoureh. Oh, I've .
MANSOUREH: Okay. I'll see you next week?
WENDY: Sure. Monday?
MANSOUREH: I can't, Monday. take my niece to her dance lesson. How about Tuesday?
WENDY: Tuesday. Tuesday I'm working. I think Wednesday's okay.
MANSOUREH: Wednesday . But I'd my calendar.
WENDY: Sure. Okay, you later.
WENDY: Okay.
MANUEL: Hi, Wendy.
WENDY: Hi, Manuel.
MANUEL: Hi, Mansoureh.
MANSOUREH: Hi, Manuel.
MANUEL: How was your game?
MANSOUREH: It was good. Wendy gave me .
MANSOUREH: How about you?
MANUEL: I think I'm a cold.
MANUEL: Yeah, I always get one .
MANSOUREH: Maybe it's allergies.
MANUEL: Maybe. It's hard to tell. Otherwise, I'm okay.
MANSOUREH: Well, well enough to play another game of tennis?
MANUEL: I am. But . I have to work at three o'clock.
MANSOUREH: Well, maybe .
MANUEL: Yeah, sure, . Oh, by the way. a party. Would you and Ali like to come?
MANSOUREH: A party? When?
MANUEL: Saturday night. Around eight o'clock.
MANSOUREH: come. But we promised my sister's son.
MANUEL: Oh, children are invited, too.
MANSOUREH: Well, my sister. Will other children be there?
MANUEL: No. I don't think so.
MANSOUREH: Yeah, I think he might be bored if there aren't any other children there.
MANUEL: Yeah, I think you're right.
MANSOUREH: Well, I'll check with my sister, and if she can get someone else, we'd love to come. .
MANUEL: Sure thing. you can come.
MANSOUREH: Me, too. Oh, anything?
MANUEL: Yeah, . Could you bring a dessert?
MANUEL: Okay. Well, ah ... thanks, Mansoureh. And I hope Saturday night, then.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Buying Airline Tickets - LINC 3.03

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
want to fly   •  with tax   •  at five o'clock   •  There is   •  Can you book   •  The earliest flight   •  I'll take   •  an aisle seat   •  like to pay   •  arrives   •  on the eighteenth   •  like to rent   •  have to be   •  Can I   •  departures   •  make the reservation   •  too late   •  want to go   •  would you prefer   •  want to return   •  in the evening   •  is there   •  by cheque   •  in the morning   •  to confirm  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
CLERK: Hello. help you?
MANUEL: Yes, I to Prince George.
CLERK: Certainly, when do you ?
MANUEL: I there for a meeting on the morning of the nineteenth.
CLERK: on the nineteenth arrives at 9:30 (nine-thirty) .
MANUEL: Oh, that's . I have to be there for a flower show competition at nine. What flights do you have on the eighteenth?
CLERK: What time?
MANUEL: The afternoon's fine.
CLERK: Okay. I have a flight that arrives in Prince George at eight o'clock .
MANUEL: That's perfect. that for me, please?
CLERK: Yes, of course.
MANUEL: And a meal on that flight?
CLERK: Yes, there is.
MANUEL: Is there a selection?
CLERK: Yes. a regular meal or a vegetarian dish. Which ?
MANUEL: the vegetarian, please.
CLERK: Certainly.
MANUEL: And I'd like , please.
CLERK: An aisle seat? Yes. Learning English in the Community VIDEO SCRIPT Page 2, LlNC 3.03
MANUEL: Good. And, I'd a car at the airport. Could you arrange that for me?
CLERK: No, I'm sorry. But you can use the courtesy phone in the lobby to .
MANUEL: That's okay. I'll call from work.
CLERK: And when do you from Prince George?
MANUEL: I have to be back on the nineteenth, after the competition. Do you have any late-afternoon ?
CLERK: Yes, I have a flight that leaves Prince George at five o'clock and here at 7:30 (seven-thirty).
MANUEL: That's fine.
CLERK: So, departing for Prince George at 5:30 (five thirty) ... and returning from Prince George on the nineteenth .
MANUEL: Yes, that's good.
CLERK: Please call this number your flight. The confirmation should be made a few days prior to travel.
MANUEL: Yes, of course.
CLERK: So, that comes to $525.00 (five hundred and twenty-five dollars), . How would you for that?
MANUEL: I'll pay .
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Returning a Faulty Product - LINC 3.02

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
go over   •  seems to be   •  Let's check   •  to be   •  cutting the messages off   •  if we just reverse   •  can only get   •  I guess   •  should be   •  be okay   •  I don't think   •  only records   •  be   •  If you have   •  if you need them   •  check it out   •  everything should  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
CLERK: Yes, okay. Thank you. Right. Bye-bye. Hi. How can I help you?
ANTHONY: Hi. I'd like to return this answering machine.
CLERK: I see. And do you have a receipt?
ANTHONY: Yes, here. I bought it last week.
CLERK: And what the problem?
ANTHONY: It doesn't work.
CLERK: It doesn't play your messages?
ANTHONY: No. I mean, yes. There seems something wrong with the recording mechanism.
CLERK: And how is that?
ANTHONY: It one or two messages, and then it cuts off. I two messages.
CLERK: Hmm, let's . Power plug goes in here. Telephone goes in here. And this goes to the phone outlet.
ANTHONY: That's the way I had it.
CLERK: Good. the outgoing message.
ANSWERING MACHILNE-ANTHONY: You have reached 278-5534. Please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
ANTHONY: That part works well. It's the incoming messages that get cut off.
CLERK: Hmm. Are there any messages on the machine now?
ANTHONY: Yes. But it only recorded one and half messages.
CLERK: Right. Let's look at the incoming message tape .... Outgoing message, incoming message. Ahhh! Here's the problem.
ANTHONY: What is it?
CLERK: The tapes are in the wrong places.
ANTHONY: Wrong places?
CLERK: That's right. The outgoing message tape is very short. And it on this side. The longer tape should on this side.
ANTHONY: Oh, I understand. So, the shorter tape is ?
CLERK: Right. So the tapes, everything should be okay.
ANTHONY: Oh, great!
CLERK: Would you like me to the operating instructions?
ANTHONY: No, it's necessary now. The tapes are in the right place. So, be okay.
CLERK: I think you're right. Anyway, the instructions are in the manual .
ANTHONY: Okay, great. I don't have to return it now.
CLERK: It should .
ANTHONY: Thanks for your help.
CLERK: Oh, you're welcome. any other problems, just let me know.
ANTHONY: I will. Bye!
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division

Home - Michael Buble

Watch the video. Listen and sing along to improve your pronunciation.
summer day   ·  million   ·  Let me   ·  I'm coming   ·  I've got to   ·  sunny   ·  be home   ·  winter day   ·  I'm living   ·  would send   ·  letters   ·  words   ·  miss   ·  outside   ·  alone   ·  more than   ·  believed   ·  gone away   ·  too far   ·  gone   ·  all right   ·  lucky   ·  how are you   ·  right   ·  home   ·  wanna   ·  line   ·  miss you   ·  why   ·  your dream  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
Has come and
In Paris and Rome
But I go home
May be surrounded by
A people I
Still feel all
I just wanna go home
Oh, I you, you know
And I’ve been keeping all the that I wrote to you
Each one a or two
“I’m fine baby, ?”
Well I them but I know that it’s just not enough
My were cold and flat
And you deserve that
Another aeroplane
Another place
I’m , I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, go home
Let me go home
I’m just from where you are
I wanna come home
And I feel just like someone else’s life
It’s like I just stepped
When everything was going
And I know just you could not
Come along with me
'Cause this was not
But you always in me
Another has come
And away
In even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
go home
And I’m surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
Oh, let me go home
Oh, I , you know
Let me go home
I’ve had my run
Baby, I’m done
I gotta go
Let me go home
It will all be
I’ll tonight
back home
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English