Travelling to Lima - LINC 3.15

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
haven't seen   •  Are you flying   •  don't have   •  doesn't work   •  I'm going   •  isn't   •  will that cost   •  would get   •  Is there   •  would be   •  I'll just check   •  have to change   •  do you mean   •  Are you travelling   •  are you thinking   •  rather go   •  would have to   •  seems   •  might miss   •  can get   •  to return  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
AGENT: When of flying?
MANUEL: Around the middle of next month. I an exact date.
AGENT: And you want to go to Lima?
MANUEL: Yes, that's right.
AGENT: Okay, just a moment. I'll just see what's available. on business?
MANUEL: No, to visit my family.
AGENT: That's nice.
MANUEL: Yes. I my mother and father in a couple of years.
AGENT: I'm sure they're looking forward to it.
MANUEL: Yes, they are.
AGENT: Okay, the best way is to fly from here to Vancouver, then to Los Angeles. And then catch a flight from there to Lima.
MANUEL: So, I planes in Vancouver and Los Angeles?
AGENT: Yes, that's right. I have seats on the 14th (fourteenth), and then the next flight is on the 17th (seventeenth), but it's nearly full.
MANUEL: On the seventeenth?
AGENT: Yes. alone?
MANUEL: Yes, I am.
AGENT: Then I you on either flight.
MANUEL: I think I'd on the seventeenth.
AGENT: Okay, and when would you like ?
MANUEL: In four weeks.
AGENT: Okay. Let me see. Four weeks later is the fourteenth. I can get you a flight from Lima, but the connection in Los Angeles very good.
MANUEL: What by that?
AGENT: I mean that you to L.A. late in the afternoon. You would have to wait about six hours before you catch your flight to Vancouver.
MANUEL: I understand. Can I stay overnight in Los Angeles and fly the next morning?
AGENT: Well, you could. But you pay more. With the stopover, it's an extra two hundred dollars, plus your hotel.
MANUEL: Oh, that's a lot. any other way to go?
AGENT: into it. You could fly through Mexico City. But then you only have half an hour between flights.
MANUEL: Hmm. That very short.
AGENT: Yes, it is. You your connection. And then you have to change planes again in San Francisco and in Vancouver.
MANUEL: I think the first flight was better.
AGENT: Would you like me to book that for you?
MANUEL: How much ?
AGENT: One thousand, one hundred and seventy-eight ($1,178), plus tax, which brings it to $1,295.46 (one thousand, two hundred and ninety-five dollars and forty-six cents).
MANUEL: And that's the cheapest rate?
AGENT: Yes, unless you go on a charter. A charter $788 (seven hundred and eighty-eight dollars), plus tax. It leaves on the 11th (eleventh). But it's only for two weeks.
MANUEL: No, that . I think the first flight was the best.
AGENT: I think so, too.
MANUEL: Okay then. Please book that for me.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Reporting a Break-in - LINC 3.14

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
do our best   •  is broken   •  what they took   •  so quickly   •  call in   •  Breaking into   •  such a mess   •  to lock   •  must have broken in   •  was going to   •  may have taken   •  makes me   •  what to say   •  work stored   •  valuables taken   •  carefully   •  must have happened  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
ESTER: I don't believe this. Who would do a thing like this?
LLOYD: This is terrible. people's homes is the most disgusting thing. They left .
ESTER: I feel like I want to cry.
LLOYD: Did they take anything special?
ESTER: Yes! My grandmother's candlestick holders. I mean, what are they going to do with something like that?
LLOYD: They stole your computer from the bedroom, too.
ESTER: Did they take the TV, too?
LLOYD: Yes, they did. And the VCR.
ESTER: I don't know .
LLOYD: That's probably the police. I'll get it. Okay.
ESTER: Thanks.
OFFICER: Hello. I'm Officer Rankin.
ESTER: Hello. Thank you for coming .
OFFICER: No problem. Ester?
LLOYD: Yes, please have a seat.
OFFICER: Thank you.
LLOYD: This is very upsetting. They this afternoon.
OFFICER: Yes, it is upsetting. I understand. Ester, were you home during the day?
ESTER: No. I was at work. Ah, my shift is between 8:30 in the morning and five o'clock.
OFFICER: And were you here today, sir?
LLOYD: No, I came in about thirty minutes ago. I take Ester out for dinner.
OFFICER: So that means no one was here between ...
ESTER: Between about 8:15 (eight-fifteen) and 5:30 (five-thirty).
OFFICER: Okay. Now, do you have an answering machine?
ESTER: Well, I did. Until this afternoon.
OFFICER: I see. And did you for messages during the day?
ESTER: Yes, I called in twice. Once about noon and again about three o'clock, on my coffee break.
OFFICER: And the machine was still here?
ESTER: Yes, I had two messages in the morning, and one message in the afternoon.
LLOYD: So the break-in between three and 5:30 (five thirty).
OFFICER: That sounds reasonable. Unless the burglars were here already when Ester called in this afternoon.
ESTER: Oh, that really gets me.
OFFICER: How do you think they got in?
ESTER: The lock on the front door . I think they forced it.
LLOYD: What I don't understand is—how did they get into the apartment building?
ESTER: I'm always very careful the doors.
OFFICER: Locks aren't always burglar-proof. And there are many ways they can get into the building.
ESTER: When I got home this afternoon and saw all of this, I called the building manager. But he was away for the day.
OFFICER: The burglars advantage of that.
ESTER: I guess.
LLOYD: Do you want to know ?
OFFICER: Yes. And your insurance company will need a list of stolen property, as well.
LLOYD: Well, that's okay.
OFFICER: Did they take any jewellery?
ESTER: No, but they took a pair of silver candlestick holders. They were my grandmother's.
OFFICER: Oh, that's too bad. Were any other ?
LLOYD: They stole her computer. And she had lots of on the hard drive.
OFFICER: No backups?
ESTER: Not everything. I know, my fault. I should do it.
OFFICER: Yeah. Ah, anything else?
LLOYD: Well, they stole the TV and the VCR.
OFFICER: Oh. Have you noticed anything else missing?
ESTER: Not so far. No .
OFFICER: You should check the whole apartment .
ESTER: Of course.
OFFICER: Well, at least they didn't damage too much.
LLOYD: Well, they left quite a mess in the bedroom.
OFFICER: Oh. Can I take a look at that?
LLOYD: Yes, of course. It's this way ...
OFFICER: Just relax. We'll call dispatch right away and fill out a report.
ESTER: Thanks. It just so upset.
OFFICER: We'll to catch them. And maybe you'll get your candlesticks back.
ESTER: I hope.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Hospital Trainee - LINC 3.12

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
worked as a   •  should I clean   •  what needs   •  could cause   •  Should I use   •  change   •  have to remove   •  making   •  should save   •  have to look after   •  should come   •  to check   •  should clean   •  done   •  Working   •  should I mop   •  to protect   •  there are   •  to rinse  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
MRS. BANKS: Hello.
ALICE: Oh, hello. Mrs. Banks?
ALICE: Are you finished at the personnel office?
MRS. BANKS: Yes, I'm all done. They told me I and see you.
ALICE: Good. Well, we'll start you off right away.
MRS. BANKS: Good. Thanks.
ALICE: This room still needs cleaning. So I'll explain to you to be done, and I'll leave you to try it on your own.
MRS. BANKS: Okay. That sounds good.
ALICE: Have you this kind of job before?
MRS. BANKS: Yes, I've done similar jobs. I worked with an office cleaning company. And I also chambermaid in a motel.
ALICE: I see. at the hospital is little different. We the safety and comfort of the patients and also maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene.
MRS. BANKS: I understand.
ALICE: Okay, then. You'll start by the bed.
MRS. BANKS: Should I the sheets?
ALICE: Yes. And when you change the bed linens, make sure no wrinkles on the sheets.
ALICE: It bed sores. The patients usually spend most of the day in the bed.
MRS. BANKS: I see.
ALICE: When you are finished with the bed, take the cloth, wipe down the table and all the counters. Make sure the cloth in the disinfectant solution.
MRS. BANKS: Where's the solution?
ALICE: Here. You'll mix it in this bucket. Always wear rubber gloves your skin.
MRS. BANKS: Okay. Then the floor?
ALICE: No. You the mopping until the end.
ALICE: Next, you out the bathroom. Use this strong cleaner and go over the bathroom fixtures twice.
MRS. BANKS: Okay. And how the bathroom floor?
ALICE: Use the squeeze mop.
MRS. BANKS: this cleaner for the floor, too?
ALICE: No, here. Use this cleaner for the floor. It has wax in it and makes a nice job of it.
MRS. BANKS: And I use this cleaner for the room floor, too, right?
ALICE: Yes. But before you do the floor, do the mirrors, the wall around the switches, and the door handles.
MRS. BANKS: And I use this solution?
ALICE: Yes. And for the mirrors you'll find a soft rag on the cart.
MRS. BANKS: No problem.
ALICE: You all the dirty towels from the bathroom and replace them with clean ones.
MRS. BANKS: Right.
ALICE: And make sure the soap.
ALICE: When you are done with the bathroom, do the floor.
MRS. BANKS: The bathroom and the room floor, right?
ALICE: Right. It'll take about half an hour for the floor to dry. I'll come back and we'll go over your work together.
MRS. BANKS: Okay. I'll start with the bed.
ALICE: Sure.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division


Vancouver is the third largest city in Canada. Only Montreal and Toronto have larger populations. Vancouver has around 2.3 million people. The climate is mild. The average yearly temperature is 11 degrees. The temperature in summer is usually around 22 degrees and rarely goes above a high of 30 degrees. It is usually sunny with only a few rainy days. Winters are wet with rain on half of the days. It seldom snows in Vancouver. It only snows around 11 days a year. Winter temperatures go from a high of eight degrees to a low of two degrees in December and January. Vancouver’s major industries are international trade, tourism, and forestry.

Employee Records - LINC 3.10

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
accumulated   •  for two months   •  I've wanted   •  ever had   •  hasn't had   •  been waiting   •  ever thought   •  been   •  ever been   •  worked   •  been filling in   •  been working   •  been wanting   •  seen   •  since 1990   •  Have you been   •  has worked   •  taken  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
ERIC: Hi, Louise.
LOUISE: Hi, Eric.
ERIC: Are you ready to go over the employment records?
LOUISE: Sure. Let's get started.
ERIC: Okay. Has this record updated since the new fiscal year?
LOUISE: Yes, it has.
ERIC: Okay, let's start with George. How long has George here?
LOUISE: Um, George here since 1985.
ERIC: Okay. Has he promoted?
LOUISE: No, he hasn't. But he was transferred from sales to current accounts.
ERIC: How long has he there?
LOUISE: He's been working there for five years now.
ERIC: Has he a raise?
LOUISE: No. Just a cost of living increase.
ERIC: Okay. What about Judy?
LOUISE: Judy has been here .
ERIC: Isn't she on maternity leave?
LOUISE: Yes, she is. She's been on maternity leave now. Have you her baby?
ERIC: No, I haven't.
LOUISE: He is so cute. Anyway, Marsha has for Judy. And she a holiday in almost two years.
ERIC: How much holiday time has she ?
LOUISE: She's accumulated six weeks.
ERIC: She's going to have to take those holidays soon.
LOUISE: Yes. Just as soon as Judy is back, Marsha's planning a trip to the Okanagan Valley.
ERIC: The Okanagan's great. to the Okanagan?
LOUISE: Yes, I have.
ERIC: I've to do some water-skiing up there. Have you ever been water-skiing?
LOUISE: No, I haven't. But to try for a long time.
ERIC: Have you your holidays yet?
LOUISE: No. I've since the summer to take my holidays.
ERIC: Why haven't you taken them?
LOUISE: I haven't been able to because I need someone to fill in for me.
ERIC: Really? Well, that isn't really fair.
LOUISE: No, it isn't, is it?
ERIC: I mean, you work hard. You deserve a break.
ERIC: Yeah?
LOUISE: Have you about filling in for me?
ERIC: No, I haven't.
LOUISE: Well, would you fill in for me?
ERIC: I guess I don't have a choice.
LOUISE: No, you haven't.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Phoning Around for Repairs - LINC 1.33

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation.
One moment please   ·  have reached   ·  Why don't you   ·  What's the matter   ·  I don't think   ·  There's   ·  Would you like   ·  Good idea   ·  Do you have   ·   had to fill   ·  Do you think   ·  Please hold   ·  Why don't we   ·  have to go  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
ESTER: Sorry about this. I the kettle from the bathroom tap.
PAUL: What's wrong?
ESTER: The kitchen tap is broken. I need some parts for it.
PAUL: Oh, that's inconvenient.
ESTER: It's okay. I just to the plumbing store on West Broadway. It's only about a fifteen minute walk.
PAUL: try Paul's Plumbing on east Fifth. It's only two blocks away.
ESTER: they will be open till five o'clock?
PAUL: give them a call?
ESTER: Good idea.
PAUL: Here they are “872-3766”.
ESTER: 872-3766.
VOICE: Hello.
ESTER: Hello. Is this Paul's Plumbing on West Fifth?
VOICE: No. This is Antonio's Bakery.
ESTER: Oh, I'm sorry. Wrong number.
ESTER: Oh, I dialed the wrong number.
ESTER: 872-3766.
RECORDED MESSAGE: The number you is not in service.
PAUL: Well, what now?
ESTER: It's not in service.
PAUL: Maybe they moved. Why don't you try 411-the directory assistance?
ESTER: Okay. .
OPERATOR: BC Tel Directory. What city, please?
ESTER: Vancouver.
OPERATOR: Go ahead, please.
ESTER: a listing for Paul's Plumbing on West Fifth?
OPERATOR: . Sorry. There's no Paul's Plumbing on West Fifth. I am showing a Paul and John's Plumbing and Electrical in Surrey.
ESTER: No, that's it. It should be in Vancouver. Could there be a new listing?
OPERATOR: Yes. a new listing for Paul's Plumbing on Pine Street.
ESTER: Oh, that would be it.
OPERATOR: to try that?
ESTER: Sure. Thanks.
OPERATOR: for the new number.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University - Open Learning Division