At the Employment Office - Part 2 - LINC 3.19

Watch the video starting at 02:20. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
to inquire   •  when I can speak   •  job listed   •  what I did   •  typing job listed   •  keep trying   •  putting it off   •  drop it off   •  who to see   •  former employer   •  job posted   •  check out   •  as a secretary   •  dropped by   •  started looking  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
At CEC Counsellor's
JOYCE: Yes, that's right.
COUNSELLOR: Please have a seat.
JOYCE: Thank you.
COUNSELLOR: I'm Mrs. O'Leary, your counsellor.
JOYCE: Nice to meet you.
COUNSELLOR: So, for a secretarial job.
JOYCE: Yes. This feels kind of strange. I for work in a long time.9
COUNSELLOR: Which hours to work?
JOYCE: Well, I regular hours.
COUNSELLOR: I see here you have experience as a secretary. What are your job skills?
JOYCE: Well, bookkeeping and payroll.
COUNSELLOR: with a computer much?
JOYCE: I'm trained on the typewriter. I'm a good typist. And to improve my computer skills.
COUNSELLOR: How well can you manage a computer?
JOYCE: Well, I'm just starting.
COUNSELLOR: Well, I should let you know that the job you're interested in requires computer skills.
JOYCE: Oh, I see.
COUNSELLOR: taking a computer course?
JOYCE: Well, a refresher typing class for the past few weeks.
COUNSELLOR: It might be a good idea to consider a computer course. Most of the secretarial jobs with us require computer skills.
JOYCE: Oh, so computer skills for most jobs.
COUNSELLOR: Well, you could check the classified ads under Help Wanted. Sometimes other jobs are advertised in the newspaper. Anyway, you're registered with us, so if anything comes up, we'll let you know.
JOYCE: Thanks.
COUNSELLOR: Can you tell me working?
JOYCE: Immediately. Well, as soon as for child care.
COUNSELLOR: Good. Here's my card. And if I can be of any assistance, please make an appointment to see me.
JOYCE: Thank you for your help.
COUNSELLOR: My pleasure. Good luck.
JOYCE: Bye-bye.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

At the Employment Office - Part 1 - LINC 3.19

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
to inquire   •  when I can speak   •  job listed   •  what I did   •  typing job listed   •  keep trying   •  putting it off   •  drop it off   •  who to see   •  former employer   •  job posted   •  check out   •  as a secretary   •  dropped by   •  started looking  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
JOYCE: To underline, press "Control" and "U" ... that's ... Hello.
TASHA: Oh, hello, Joyce. This is Tasha.
JOYCE: Oh, hi, Tasha. How are you?
TASHA: Well, I'm fine, thanks. And how about you?
JOYCE: I'm okay. This computer is driving me crazy!
TASHA: Well, you just have to . You can do it!
JOYCE: I suppose.
TASHA: Listen, I the Canada Employment Office after I left work.
JOYCE: Are you looking for a new job?
TASHA: No. I had some employment information from my boss. I had to . But would you be interested in a job?
TASHA: Well, they have a secretarial on the board that you should .
JOYCE: I don't know. I haven't worked for some time.
TASHA: Well, it wouldn't hurt about it.
JOYCE: I am interested. I've just been for a while.
TASHA: You should go down to CEC as soon as possible.
JOYCE: Can you tell me ?
TASHA: Just tell the receptionist that you're interested in the on the "help wanted" board.
JOYCE: Thanks, Tasha. I really appreciate it.
TASHA: Lots of luck! L1NC 3.19
JOYCE: Bye-bye.
At Reception
RECEPTIONIST: Can I help you?
JOYCE: Yes. I'm interested in a secretarial on the board.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. Have you been here before?
JOYCE: No. I've just for a job.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. You have to fill this application form first before you see a counsellor. Have you worked before?
JOYCE: I worked for five years or so before my children were born.
RECEPTIONIST: Okay. Be sure and put that on the application form. And also include your job skills, the name of your , and don't forget your social insurance number.
JOYCE: Okay. I'll do that right now.
RECEPTIONIST: Let me know if you need any help.
JOYCE: Thanks. Ah, can you tell me to a counsellor?
RECEPTIONIST: It shouldn't be too long.
JOYCE: Thank you.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

A Plumbing Problem - Part 2 - LINC 3.18

Watch the video starting at 03:10. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
have to fix   •  have to shower   •  need the pipe fixed   •  would call   •  you'll have to be   •  have it repaired   •  he'll be obliged   •  get some repairs done   •  fill it out   •  If you win   •  long enough  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
Two Days Later
ESTER: Mr. Carmichael! I need to talk to you.
MANAGER: Sure. What can I do for you?
ESTER: It's been four days now, and I still don't have any hot water. I at my friend's.
MANAGER: Well, don't worry. I'll by tomorrow.
ESTER: You said that two days ago! You've been saying that since the pipe broke.
MANAGER: Well, patient. Plumbers take their time.
ESTER: I've been patient . I want hot water by tomorrow.
MANAGER: No problem.
Six Days Later
ESTER: I'm a tenant. Can you help me in my apartment?
RECEPTIONIST: What's the problem?
ESTER: Well, a pipe started to leak underneath the kitchen sink. I called my landlord and he tried to fix it. Then he said he a plumber.
RECEPTIONIST: Well, how long has this been?
ESTER: About six days. I have no hot water. I have to take shower at a friend's. Doesn't the landlord it?
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, he does. Now what was your name?
ESTER: Ester Gueverra.
RECEPTIONIST: Miss Gueverra, if you'd just like to have a seat, I'll have an information officer speak to you right away.
ESTER: Thanks.
INFORMATION OFFICER: Hi, I'm George Simpson. So, how long have you been without hot water?
ESTER: It's been about six days now.
INFORMATION OFFICER: Have you informed the landlord in writing that you ?
ESTER: No, but I've told him over and over again. He keeps promising to get it fixed, then he doesn't.
INFORMATION OFFICER: Okay. You can make an application under section nine to bring the case to arbitration. , then he'll have to fix the leak immediately…
ESTER: Okay, how do I make an application?
INFORMATION OFFICER: Fill out this form. Leave one with me and take two for yourself. Give one to the manager. Then by law to come to the hearing.
ESTER: Okay. Can I fill it out here?
INFORMATION OFFICER: Sure. This paper here has the time and place of the hearing, so just come back at the time on that paper.
ESTER: Okay, I'll right away.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

A Plumbing Problem - Part 1 - LINC 3.18

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
what a mess   •  shouldn't be   •  would be done   •  have to wait   •  fix it yourself   •  what I can do   •  had to turn off   •  would come   •  he was held up   •  Does that mean   •  I'm afraid so   •  I'm afraid not   •  a lot of  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
ESTER: Oh, no! Oh, ! Hello. This is Ester Gueverra in Apartment 302. That's right, 302. I just got home and a pipe under my kitchen sink is leaking. Okay. See you in a minute, then.
ESTER: Hi! Come on in. It's open.
ESTER: Hi. I'm just mopping up.
MANAGER: Oh, was there water?
ESTER: It's not too bad.
MANAGER: Oh, good.
ESTER: I see you brought your tools. Are you going to ?
MANAGER: Well, I'm going to try. Where's the leak?
ESTER: Under the sink.
MANAGER: Let's have a look. Oh yes, I see it. Let's try this. Nope.
ESTER: Can I help?
MANAGER: Well, you can hand me those large pliers there.
ESTER: Here you go.
MANAGER: Thanks. Well, that's that.
ESTER: So, can you fix it?
MANAGER: No, . I don't have the right tools.
MANAGER: I'll have to call the plumber.
ESTER: What's the problem?
MANAGER: There's a leak in the pipe just above the main shut off valve. I your hot water.
ESTER: Turn off the hot water? I won't have any hot water?
MANAGER: . It's the main shutoff to the whole apartment.
ESTER: Oh, no!
MANAGER: You'll for the plumber.
ESTER: Well, I hope he gets here soon.
MANAGER: Well, I'll make a quick call. It any later than tomorrow morning.
ESTER: Okay.
MANAGER: Okay, bye-bye.
The Next Day
ESTER: Oh, I don't believe this!
ESTER: Hello? This is Ester Gueverra in Apartment 302.
MANAGER: Oh yes? Is everything okay?
ESTER: No. It isn't. You told me the plumber this morning to fix the pipe under the kitchen sink.
MANAGER: Oh, I guess .
ESTER: Held up! This is the second day in a row he's been held up. And you promised this in a day.
MANAGER: Oh, I am sure he'll be there tomorrow morning.
ESTER: I hope so. I still don't have any hot water, you know!
MANAGER: I am sorry. I'll see .
ESTER: All right then.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Parent-Teacher Meeting - LINC 3.17

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
to hear   •  too much   •  Do you think   •  Could you explain   •  I've been teaching   •  agree with   •  seems normal   •  too strict   •  Are you thinking   •  has been telling   •  to be   •  gets along well   •  if she wants   •  she's been watching   •  should help   •  the best way   •  to share   •  who were invited   •  to keep   •  as creative as   •  worried about   •  isn't she   •  she has made   •  satisfied with   •  just seems   •  she's been having   •  should watch   •  interested in   •  to meet   •  having   •  should spend   •  diligent student  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
MS. FIRLOTTE: Hello, are you Linda's parents?
ANTHONY: Yes. I'm Anthony Ming, and this is my wife, Joyce.
MS. FIRLOTTE: It's a pleasure you. I'm Maria Firlotte. Please have a seat.
JOYCE: Linda us a lot about you, Ms. Firlotte.
MS. FIRLOTTE: Well, here for five years. And I have a good rapport with the children.
ANTHONY: So, how is Linda?
MS. FIRLOTTE: I have to say, I've seldom had a student Linda.
ANTHONY: Creative? That's a surprise.
MS. FIRLOTTE: Well, that's to describe her.
JOYCE: how she's creative?
MS. FIRLOTTE: Sure. Did you ever read any of her stories?
JOYCE: Well, I've read some. But they were homework assignments.
MS. FIRLOTTE: Here's one Linda wrote just last week.
JOYCE: Can I see it?
MS. FIRLOTTE: Sure. It's about a happy girl and an unhappy girl to a birthday party.
ANTHONY: And what happened?
MS. FIRLOTTE: The happy girl helps the unhappy girl. So they're both happy in the end.
JOYCE: Linda's been feeling unhappy?
MS. FIRLOTTE: that she's writing about herself? 2, L1NC 3.17
JOYCE: Well, I'm a little her. She's moody sometimes, ?
ANTHONY: Yes, she is. She likes to herself sometimes.
MS. FIRLOTTE: She's usually very cheerful at school. She with everyone.
ANTHONY: That's good.
MS. FIRLOTTE: She's always very polite.
JOYCE: I'm glad that.
MS. FIRLOTTE: I wouldn't worry about her moods . It at that age.
ANTHONY: I guess so. But I think we more time with her.
MS. FIRLOTTE: As far as Linda's school work goes, she's very consistent. Mind you, a few problems in geography lately.
ANTHONY: What kind of problems?
MS. FIRLOTTE: Well, she a bit unprepared in class.
ANTHONY: She seems doing homework all the time.
JOYCE: Well, not all the time. Lately a TV show that she likes.
MS. FIRLOTTE: This is always a difficult age. Sometimes, even good students are interested in doing anything but their homework.
ANTHONY: I think she no more than an hour of TV a day.
JOYCE: Well ... that may be a little bit .
ANTHONY: But she needs more time to do her homework.
JOYCE: I that.
MS. FIRLOTTE: She should study at least an hour a day, to have good study habits.
ANTHONY: I agree.
MS. FIRLOTTE: Now, do you have any other questions?
JOYCE: Yes, I have. Are you her participation in the class?
MS. FIRLOTTE: Well, at the beginning of term, she was a little shy. But great progress.
JOYCE: That's good to hear.
MS. FIRLOTTE: As I said, she is a very .
ANTHONY: Well, thank you, Ms. Firlotte.
MS. FIRLOTTE: You're welcome.
JOYCE: We'll make sure Linda studies her geography.
MS. FIRLOTTE: And encourage her in her creative writing.
JOYCE: I am very reading her stories.
MS. FIRLOTTE: Just ask her. I am sure she will be happy them with you.
JOYCE: I'll do that.
MS. FIRLOTTE: It's a real pleasure Linda in the class.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division

Talking about Children - LINC 3.16

Watch the video. Listen and repeat to improve your pronunciation. Complete the exercise below.
pick up   •  no point   •  really improved   •  to get tired   •  going to be   •  seems to help   •  hard to find   •  seem to be   •  comes easy   •  what you mean   •  afraid of   •  Have you had   •  make an appointment   •  to like   •  seems as though   •  Most of the time   •  I wish   •  I wonder if   •  interested in   •  difficult to get   •  hardest thing   •  the easiest thing   •  should have  
Click and Drop: click on a word in the box above and then in the correct space. Check your answers. What is your score?
TASHA: So, how does your daughter like school this year?
JOYCE: Well, most of the time she seems it a lot. She seems very interested in math.
TASHA: Oh, Lisa's math, too. Math for Lisa.
JOYCE: Maybe she's an engineer.
TASHA: Maybe. But reading is still a problem for her.
JOYCE: What do you mean?
TASHA: , she just doesn't like to read.
JOYCE: her eyes checked?
TASHA: Yes, we did last year.
JOYCE: What did they say?
TASHA: Well, they said they're okay. But sometimes they're getting worse, because she seems just after a few minutes of reading.
JOYCE: Maybe you her eyes checked again.
TASHA: Maybe we should. I'll for her next week at the eye doctor.
JOYCE: Good.
TASHA: If that isn't the problem, well, maybe we'll just have to get some extra help for her.
JOYCE: Well, reading doesn't a problem for Linda. She seems to like to read. The for her is her spelling.
TASHA: Oh, that's funny. Usually, a child who likes to read has very good spelling.
JOYCE: Sometimes I think she just doesn't concentrate.
TASHA: What do you mean?
JOYCE: Well, sometimes it she just doesn't sound the words out properly.
TASHA: We've been practising at home with Lisa. Practising a lot.
JOYCE: Well, maybe that's the problem.
TASHA: What?
JOYCE: We're not practising enough at home.
TASHA: Oh, it's the time.
JOYCE: I know . Between school and all the other things. Piano, gymnastics ...
TASHA: And soccer and dancing lessons. Tell me about it!
JOYCE: Lisa's interested in dancing?
TASHA: Yes. Lisa loves dancing.
JOYCE: How often does she dance?
TASHA: Her classes are usually twice a week. Now she wants to swimming.
JOYCE: Swimming? Linda used to be the water.
TASHA: Oh, and what happened?
JOYCE: Well, she had a really great swimming teacher last summer. And now she's a lot.
TASHA: Oh, that's great! It isn't to find the right teacher.
JOYCE: That's right.
TASHA: And how about her piano?
JOYCE: Most of the time, she loves it. But lately it's been her to practise.
TASHA: Well, they usually just don't have time.
JOYCE: Usually.
TASHA: Lisa were interested in music.
JOYCE: But she likes to dance.
TASHA: That's true. But she just doesn't like piano. To her, dancing is much more fun.
JOYCE: Well, if kids aren't interested in something, there's trying to force them to do it.
TASHA: Isn't that the truth. Remember your own childhood?
JOYCE: Sure do.
This exercise has been made using a free generator and script at Random Idea English Video courtesy TRU University – Open Learning Division